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GR meeting - other


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If you would be interested in getting together this summer and cannot make it to a GR meeting in the US or the UK, say between now and August 31, please post once in this thread. Please list your preference for where you would prefer to meet. Serious replies only.

If enough people are interested in other areas, when we get a general consensus on where, we'll get more specific on city, time, and other details. I'm not in these areas and have no intention of trying to run this shindig -- this is for guaging interest only. The organization will need to be done by someone in those countries.

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come up to toronto and i give ya a free SARS mask !!

I'll throw in more masks and a couple of isolation gowns :lol:

He's worried about getting West Nile, but if he does he says he can't go to the hospital because he'd get SARS

What about Hamilton? We're SARS FREE in Hamilton :D

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Yes that is true. :angry: I don't know who to be madder at, the ex-GF who wanted her kids to visit with their grandma the week before school started and couldn't pick them up because of a softball game or the drunk that ran a red light and plowed into the side of my 77 4 door Cougar and did more damage than I could afford to be fixed.

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