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Ghost Recon Xbox Conversion + Island Thunder Xbox Conversion Rerelease


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Release 2.5.0



What started as a longing for a more familiar environment due to the lack of an Xbox has turned into an archival project for many to experience the Xbox version of Ghost Recon.

I'm excited to announce the 2.5.0 release of the Ghost Recon: Xbox Conversion mod. This is what I would consider to be the definitive version of the mod, further progress has been halted due to proprietary file types of Xbox and PC...until the community can find a way to unpack those archive files, this is the final update to this mod.

This mod brings the entire mission sets for the Xbox versions of the base game and Island Thunder. While all missions will play mostly the same, there are some unique scripted events, different enemy layouts, plans, encounters and weapon sets to create a fresh experience if you've become used to the PC version of the game.

The Ghost Recon Xbox Conversion has faithfully ported 12 of 15 maps to be the exact same as the Xbox version. 3 missions are slightly different in the Xbox version and due to the inability to access the Xbox files, those missions have been blended together from Xbox and PC.

The Island Thunder Xbox Conversion has ported all 8 missions, but as an interpretation of how they would play out. Because of differences in the game and PC (the base game is compatible with the PC version, but Island Thunder is not) I had to go line by line in text editors with the help of Igor to recreate the missions and interpret the script to play like the Xbox version. Like the base game, all missions will play out mostly the same, but this time around, enemies use different weapons, use extra vehicles, varied enemy placements, and different attack plans and scenarios.

You can play both campaigns as their own campaign now by launching a new campaign using the respective named mod. If you'd like to play quick missions, the Xbox conversion missions are labeled beginning with an X.

Another major new addition is Creative EAX emulation. This was a feature that the Xbox versions of the game used, but the functionality was disabled in Windows Vista, making it unusable since. Thanks to the help of those listed in the credits of the ReadMe, Creative EAX emulation will enhance the Xbox Conversion experience by enabling Creative EAX sound effects during your playthroughs.

There are a few minor changes, but check the update log to find all information related to changes.

Ghost Recon Xbox Conversion 2.5.0 Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18ysXOhnWiYY0tDKFLtYhoNJv8IW3IiJ1/view?usp=sharing

Island Thunder Xbox Conversion 2.5.0 Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/191Go0JC-UwAiKy0IkfXP-qdSmN8GCLle/view?usp=sharing


If you encounter any issues, please let me know so I can make a bug fix release.

It seems that a cult following want a Jungle Storm port. While I make no promises, I think with the end of this mod, I will research avenues to make this a reality.


Edit: I forgot one of the biggest things I brought over in this update! While it was listed in the patch notes, I did not mention that you can now play as different platoons (such as Russian or Georgian rebels) in the multiplayer campaign. This does have some issues, however. Since Ghost Recon is programmed to treat any platoon that is not the single player platoon as other hostiles, your team will attack anybody that is supposed to be friendly because the game thinks your platoon is hostile to any "friendlies."  This does not reflect the Xbox version, as any platoon you choose will be friendly to hostages and friendly soldiers. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be able to be changed, leaving a few missions as being impossible to complete. To play missions as a different platoon, launch multiplayer and set your game type to "TEAM" and the mode to "MISSION." All Xbox Conversion missions will be available to play.


Happy hunting, Ghosts!

Edited by C419
Left out a major addition.
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17 hours ago, DogEggFive said:

Great work for the mod! Love the looks of the UI and the sounds of the guns. Latter is just so much better than the PC's originals. Gotta try the missions later.

Thank you!!

This reminds me that I need to re-release the HD Sounds mod that was derived from the Xbox Conversion mod. I accidentally deleted the files from my Google Drive, so they're currently inaccessible. That way if someone wants the higher quality sounds without everything the Xbox Conversion brings (which as a side note, should for the most part cooperate with most mods out there) then they can also use the HD Sounds mod.

Those damn CD size limits stuck GR PC with the lower quality sounds...as an audiophile, this drove me insane!

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