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Its pretty clever, had some good moments thanks to interesting gameplay. Really wish I caught the first one on camera.

Was early in game and I had not found any weapons, took fire around a house so bailed over a wall, turned and double back to a small wall, hiding behind it.With 3rd person view I could see the guy was just other side of road, camping. I thought how neat it would be if he broke cover, headed for my wall and jumped over. And I could melee him. Its the only scenario that ended with me alive.

And that's exactly what happened lol.

I'll play some more.

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the added damage players can take with armor on changes the rhythm of gunfights... plus a little more Unidad presence would help as well...maybe some Unidad gun trucks



not my favorite thing..but im sure it adds good data for Ubi to analyze when the mode gets put in to the new game

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