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Insurgency Sandstorm

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  • 2 years later...

It's a good game... I tend to steer away from PvP modes these days and focus on the Co-op side of things with Sandstorm offering a good mix of server styles - many of which are team based/tactical servers... I even managed to find people using comms to a decent level.

The BOTS are decent and react better than many other games I have played recently.  

I'd recommend it if you can obtain a copy of sale... works within STEAM too which is a bonus.

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Hello guys!

Glad you took up the topic again, because I was going to open one about Insurgency on consoles! In 2018 I followed the movement of the game's launch, and it was very frustrating (for me) not to have the game launched for the consoles. My laptop wouldn't run the game satisfactorily, and as in my country building a PC for gaming is very expensive, playing Insurgency 4 on PS4 would be the solution.

I thought this game wouldn't come out anymore, but thankfully the developer didn't give up on the release for video games! As soon as it came out, I bought the digital version and despite the bugs (many already fixed, including!) I say: what a game! Very rare to see this type of game on consoles! Maybe the only ones were Operation Flashpoint (for the first Xbox I played) and Operation Flashpoint Dragons Rising (PS3 / Xbox 360) which was VERY good! I even remember ICK (member of this forum) on his page making a PDF document about some game tips.

I pretty much abandoned Ghost Recon Breakpoint to play Insurgency, especially the COOP version of it. Fantastic!

Do I recommend it? Without a doubt!

My gamertag on PSN: AranhaBR


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