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Narco Road & Fallen Ghosts DLC Leak

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I'm not feeling these two I'll admit, they seem kinda like afterthoughts that didn't quite make it into the game, but nevertheless, that's just my opinion

I'd like to see a major expansion pack similar to the likes of desert siege and island thunder at some point, THAT's the DLC I'd buy the crap out of... a new campaign in a new area that maybe focuses on a new team dealing with the aftermath of SB's takedown in another country, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, or even striking at the heart of Santa Blanca's origins in Mexico, or something similar, other cartels will no doubt be looking to take over, or maybe an addon with the ghosts helping to secure a safe future for the people in Bolivia.

as well as an M107... just add it ubi, god!

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I expect the Dlc to add buchones to the regions without them...

Narco road appears to be outside the tone of the game...

the "ability" to just climb has provided me with enough diversion out in the boonies


Push comes to shove what I really want is to get into big engagements with enemy personnel that make use of the wonderful terrain..whether it be the jungle, the snow, or the desert...

the main thing i ask is that they vary up how/where the engagements happen and the equipment the enemy brings to the fight..

Have the the Ghosts setup a patrol base out in the wild from which they conduct search and destroy and/or presence patrol missions...create engagements from there:
-have roaming patrols of enemies that you encounter either patrolling or that the player has to intercept because they are enroute to attacking an objective...
-have the patrol helicopters spot the ghosts and then send air assault troops in to attack, 3-5 helos show up... 2 lay suppressive fire while the rest drop off troops in "strategic" locations to trap the ghosts.
-give the enemies the ability to deploy smoke against the ghosts by artillery or thrown grenades.. (anything to increase the confusion)
-Convoy Ops, have the ghosts escort a vehicle convoy and break enemy illegal checkpoints along the way

Urban Combat..
-as in the black hawk down incident... have players spawn in a town and task them to navigate/fight through an urban environment littered with enemies and whose roads and alleys have been strategically blockaded...add stationary turrets or technicals for more fun

Edited by 5timechamp
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I've been getting regular Surveys from Ubi for all of the games that I own. So it seems they do want know what we think and they do ask specific questions on where we the player would like the game to focus.


Every time I get one of these I think if they had only done this in the beginning. We all could have been much happier.

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