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Custom Scenario: Espiritu Santo Rescue

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Like some or most of you I have maxed leveled and collected everything. So I decided to come up with a custom mission, game, or scenario to play with other players. Totally doable with AI squad but that isn't any fun but as this is written it is untested with other players. I would like to find some players to test this mission out and see how it plays and see if any changes need to be made. I am on XBone so if anyone wants to try this out with me send me a message to KlownSnypr and I'll shoot you an invite. In the meantime enjoy the read and the wall of text and let me know what you think.


Espiritu Santo Rescue


La Santera has been neutralized; Santa Blanca operations in Espiritu Santo have almost have come to a halt. Minor Spiritual Leaders (MSL) of the Santa Muerte cult are struggling with the insurmountable task of reigning in the chaos after the loss of their priestess. Morale within the cult is falling faster than a whore going down on her knees. The MSLs are having an especially hard time keeping the most devout followers from retaliating against the local populous.

This is where you come in. These followers have somehow, in their blood rage, managed to capture some of Kat26’s HVT and their support staff. Sloppy of these rebels to let themselves be captured by such a reckless band of halfwits I know but that isn’t even the best part. These followers plan on having a ceremony in La Santera’s home to, get this, sacrifice the HVTs to Santa Muerte herself so the Skinny Lady will bring back their Priestess.

Normally this would be a matter for the locals to handle however given our allegiances, the ranking of these HVTs within Kat26, and the number of sicarios in the area Kat26 quite frankly does not have the training to pull off a rescue attempt of this scale. You are tasked with infiltrating the area, rescue the HVTs and any Kat26 members you may find, and further disrupting Santa Blanca operations in the area where you can.


Start in the city of Villa Verde in the Villa Verde Province. Once in Villa Verde commandeer:

  1. A boat, one should be at the dock near the fast travel spawn, and head North East along the river. Some ways up the river you will come across the mouth of a stream that is roughly 750 meters South East of the first objective (Alta Gracia Mine). Disembark the boat around the mouth of the stream and proceed on foot to the first objective.

  2. A Plane from the Villa Verde Airport, roughly 450 meters South East from the fast travel spawn. Fly north towards the city of Alta Gracia specifically the North Western most corner of the city. Once you have reached this point change heading due East to fly over the objective. Keep a relatively high altitude to avoid suspicion and allow the plane to crash at a sufficient distance as to not raise alarm. Once over the objective bail out of the plan and insert by parachute in the hills North West of the first objective.

  3. A Car, one should be near the fast travel spawn, and drive to the rebel safe house in the city of Alta Gracia. To get to the rebel safe house take the first road (dirt) on the right and then take the next right past a Santa Maria statue and garden. Disembark the vehicle and head North East towards the first objective past the stream.



  1. Alta Gracia Mine – Espiritu Santo Gold depository

Santa Blanca in the area store their gold here so blocking access to this precious mineral would set back operations in this area big time.

  • Clear area of hostiles and set C4 to the support pillars within the main cavern of the mine.

  • Once set evacuate mine and set off charges then are after securing airfield.


  1. 2. Alta Gracia Outpost – Alta Gracia Airfield

Santa Blanca uses this Airfield to fly gold in and out of the area. They also use this airfield to allow pilgrims faster travel to La Santera’s Chapel up the hill. Taking over this airfield would severely cripple movement of Santa Blanca in this province.

  • Clear Area of Hostiles.

  • Once Airfield has been secured call in rebel reinforcements to hold the airfield before proceeding onto the next objective.

  • Set off C4 if you haven’t already

  • (optional) free any rebels you may find


  1. 3. Espiritu Santo Communications Dish (optional if available) "does not affect going loud restriction listed below"

This communications building provides fast and more direct communication within the province and with the other provinces. Taking out this communications dish would deal a severe blow to the organizational efforts within Espiritu Santo as well as requesting additional reinforcements.

  • Clear Building of hostiles


  1. 4. Espiritu Santa Chapel Outpost – Buchon Support Camp

Just down the hill from La Santera’s Home and Chapel is the Support camp. Here is where we are guessing sicarios are keeping the support staff for the HVTs. This camp is rather remote, therefore not strategically important, but does provide a sizable support force for the sicarios just up the hill. It would be wise to take out these sicarios before heading up the hill.

  • Clear Area of Hostiles

  • Once area is clear of hostiles release any Kat26 members you may find imprisoned


  1. 5. Espiritu Santo Chapel & La Santera’s Home

Sicarios on pilgrimage make their way here to pray, complete their pilgrimage, and start their pilgrimage with La Santera’s guidance and blessing. That being said it is unknown how many sicarios could be at the chapel. Within La Santera’s home there should be anywhere from 5 to 7 guards as well as external patrols so expect heavy resistance.

  • Clear the Chapel of hostiles

  • Clear La Santera’s Home of hostiles

  • Search La Santera’s Home for the HVTs

  • Once the area is clear release the HVTs

  • Call in Rebel Reinforcements

  • Leave chapel by vehicle or on foot to complete mission

Mission Failure Scenarios:

If any teammate bleeds out or flat out dies that is a mission failure

If any of the HVTs are killed that is a mission failure

Gameplay Restrictions:

Players may go loud or stay silent during this mission. However once “Engaged” mission must be completed loud

Time: No restriction or requirement

Time Completion: No requirement

Difficulty Level: Advanced or Higher

HUD: No restriction or requirement

Rebel Ops:

  • Spotting: Can only be used by Recon

  • Mortars: Can only be used by Support

  • Diversion: Can only be used by Rifleman

  • G4H: Not allowed

  • Vehicle: Not allowed


Player Classes: 1 of Each

Rifleman: Only class that can revive support


  • Primary


    Max mag size (30 rnd)

    No GL attachment

    No other Restrictions


  • Secondary

    SMG or Shotgun, no attachment restrictions.


  • Throwables: Frag and Flashbang only

Combat Engineer/ Sapper: Only Class allowed to Deploy C4


  • Primary

    AR w/ Iron Sights or Red Dot

    GL Attachment

    Max mag size (30 rnd)

    No other Restrictions





    No Restrictions


  • Secondary

    SMG or Shotgun

    No Restrictions


  • Throwables: C4, Frag, and mines only

Support: Only Class allowed to revive


  • Primary


    No Restrictions





    Iron Sight or Red Dot only

    Long Barrel Required

    50 Rnd Mag required

    No other Restrictions


  • Secondary

    SMG or Shotgun

    No Restrictions


  • Throwables: Frags or Flashbangs only


Sniper / Recon: Only Class allowed to use drone, specifically recon or noisemaker only.

  • Primary

    Sniper Rifle or DMR only

    No restrictions


  • Secondary


    No Restrictions





    CompM4, ACOG, or Panoramic Sight


    Max mag size (30 rnd)

    No rail attachment


  • Throwables: Flaregun or Lure only

Espiritu Santo Rescue.docx

Edited by KlownSnypr
typos and revising
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@Rocky essentially yeah that is the idea. It just so happened this area sorta worked out this way because of the proximity of the outposts and what not so I don't think all missions that I, or others for that matter, can come up with are going to be long and reletively seemless like this one.

I have a couple other missions in mind that I am jotting ideas down just takes time to come up with missions. Took me a couple of days or a week to come up with this one.

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@Rocky maybe in the form of an unofficial competition where players/teams can post up times and restrictions. Similar to the hitman mechanic but more honor system. Problem is something like that would need some Standards for types of play:


Ultra Sim

Extreme Difficulty

No Hud Display


Sim Mod

Extreme Difficulty

Limited Hud

-Mini Map Ok

-No Ammo

-No Indicators



Extreme Difficulty

Limited Hud

-Mini Map Ok

-Ammo Ok

-Indicators Ok



So a team could be like we completed ESR on Sim Mod in 25min



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Yes, this is how we used to do Ghost Recon co-op competitions, although eventually because we could mod GR, scoring algorithms were scripted into the mission code by modders, it was very cool.

Recording the attempt is one way of verifying the entry, but with Wildlands the file is likely to be many Gigabytes on PC, and not sure how that would work on console.

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Twitch, DOH! Good call Klown. 

So yeh, there are ways of doing this - and it would extend the life of the game for gamers that have blitzed through the campaign already and arre bored until the PvP mode is released.

I'll put some more thought into this idea!

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This is a brilliant idea - not sure how the repeat missions go coz I haven't played enough but, for example,..

Are you saying that you can actually destroy the mine by blowing the pillars?

I mean if this is a thing, we're talking potential rebirth of GR competitions!!!

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