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0 c++, Photoshop experience

You need to get MS Visual Studio, Photoshop, some books and to spent a lot time trying to learn this s@@t

then you are ready to:

1 file format reverse engeneering

2 hours with photoshop sdk http://www.adobe.com/devnet/photoshop/sdk.html

3 three dots

4 profit

Don't forget about passion,  26 hours in a day and you are on a long vacation (that's what your wife/husband need to know)

Edited by AlexKimov
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I think i'll be the judge of whether or not its worth it thank you. I use this file format on a regular basis, but having to convert it to a Photoshop compatible format in an external program is highly inconvenient and often leads to issues, because said external program hasn't been written well

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

.qob file once more 

Actually, what you see above is just two obj. files converted from original ones.

@Jack Wachter us_delta_a1.chr. 

i uploaded .obj + .mtl files. If you want to see textures (check .mtl file) just convert them to .bmp (whatever), rename lines in .mtl file (.rsb to .bmp), put everything in one folder and open in 3d editor. tested in 3ds max 2017. 

@JohnTC02 👍




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  • 3 months later...

progress so far:

1. import almost done: .qob, .pob, .chr.

2. testing format export: .qob, .pob, .chr.

3. only geometry: .map. Map export isn't in my plans, too many work to do, i don't have enough time.

skeleton and character animations will be later...

also this https://github.com/boristsr/RainbowSixFileConverters. Philip progressing really nice with Rainbows Six 1/2, add some screenshots.

All tools will be avaliable later, not sure when (this year, i guess).




2018-12-05 22_59_39-Window.jpg

2018-12-05 23_00_08-Window.jpg

Edited by AlexKimov
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is looking really nice.

The Blood Oil player models have an issue where it seems the attachment point for weapons isn't correct on the hands (the grips for some weapons end up on the back of the hands). Do you know if that could be fixed at some point?

Also, a bulk reskinner tool would be nice. The one that exists currently can only do 1 file at a time. Since a lot of character models have the 3 LODs, it'd be nice to be able to assign the same texture files to them at the same time. Just a wishlist idea.

Good work so far, looking forward to what comes next.


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