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[XBOX ONE] Task Force Mako - Recruiting

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Hi, all looking for a few players to get a squad together. Initially casting a small net. I'm looking for players who prefer being slow and stealthy who communicate well.

Primary play times being the weekend, living on the east coast is a bonus just for time keeping sake but not necessary. I'd like to build this small team up. Once we are comfortable with one another you would be my officers. From there we can cast a larger net and grow as large as we feel fits us as a player base.

Here is the task force Page link: https://ghostreconnetwork.ubi.com/en-US/task-force/profile/2563/Task-Force-Mako

If you're interested hit me up in a Private Message or go to the link and click on the "Contact The task Force" link.

Looking for Fun to be the primary goal but with like minded players who actually like being slow and eliminating targets without using bullets as a goal.


Edit: Sorry, just realized today. You may not actually be able to sign into the ghost network until you have a character in Ghost recon. At least from reports that I'm getting? Once open Beta is out that issue should be resolved. At least it seems that way? Either way if still interested you can PM me on here and we will just keep track until access is possible.

Edited by J4X0RS
added notes in the bottom.
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6 hours ago, TJbrena said:

I've got an Xbone, so I might be down. No promises.

No worries either way, I got the group name out there at the least. Good enough for the early stages. If we are a good fit then good to go right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are getting close! Only a few days now, I have myself and two other guys that I work with Setup and ready to go. Looking for at least one other like minded individual. We work in the IT Field, 2 Network Engineers and myself a DevOps Engineer. We shoot guns on the weekend for fun and enjoy a good beer.

So if you like Tech, Guns, and Booze hit us up. We do plan on playing tactically most likely on Extreme with limited hud when all players have the controls down.

Edited by J4X0RS
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