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Unhandled exception - hosts' problem

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activated "launcher" - play - I get error message "unhandled exception" running on windows 10.  Also this "access to the path C:\windows\system 32\drivers\etc\hosts' is  denied".  Any help would be appreciated as I sure would like to get back on graw 2 multiplayer...Thanks...Tom1935.

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Dannik, I followed the video and this didn't fix the problem.  My feeling is that the launcher program modifies the file "hosts" and windows 10 does not like doing that.  I had a tech at gamedigger make me a hosts file and I would go in and substitute this file taking place of the one windows provide and the program would start.  I lost the file he made for me.  I was hoping the latest launcher would work but it doesn't.  I may need to go back to "gamedigger" site and get that done again.


Again, thanks for your help and any more ideas you have I will check out.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, i have the same issue. Windows 10 and the host file cant be edited with this launcher, because W10 doesnt allow it access.

Could someone tell me the things that the Launcher changes in the HOST file, maybe I can add that manually. Or does the launcher do other things as well ?



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Wolf, when graw2 started up again, I had to let Struth at gamediggers have access to my computer, he made me a "host" file.  Before I entered the game, I had to substitute this "host" file replacing the one in windows/system32/drivers/etc/host.  I did not use the launcher which does the same as he gave me, and it worked ok.  I have used so many user names and passwords trying to make it work that I have no idea what my name and password combinations is.  Oh, I forgot, during a crash, I lost the "host" file and have been trying to use the launcher.  I sent "gamespy" who I think was the original caretakers of this game asking they could clean all my attempts out of their system.  If the problem of windows10 blocking launcher program still probably would not solve my problem of names/passwords...


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