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Mission Ending


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I created a rescue MOD, everything works properly except the ending. I want the mission to end once all objectives are complete, meaning, all hostages and all remaining players are in the extraction zone. How do I do this?

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Response: Set EndCounter to 0


>Proximity Platoon: A member of >hostages< is within 10m of extraction


>Block Preserve

>Continue if the number of members of >hostages< :P are within 10 metres of extraction is equal to the number of active actors on >hostages<

>Increment EndCounter

>Continiue if the value of EndCounter is equal to 2

>Set Timer >End it< to expire in 3 sec

>Block Remove


>Proximity Platoon: A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10m of extraction


>Block Preserve

>Continue if the number of members of >PlayersPlatoon< are within 10m of extraction is equal to the number of active actors on >PlayersPlatoon<

>Increment EndCounter

>Continue if the Value of EndCounter is equal to 2

Set Timer End It to expire in 3 sec

>Block Remove

Trigger: Timer End It has expired


declare mission complete

Greets,Stalker :ph34r:

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Just a couple of points - the way you have that set up it will end if either all the Hostages or all the players are at extraction. This is because the counter will continue to increment until the secong query condition method is met.

Perhaps it might be better to put both quieries in the same block. You can use an and operator or just place the queries in sequence. This way you can do away with the counter. If you want to use a counter to track your objectives there is a discussion about that topic here.





Set PlayersPlatoon to the PlayerControlledPlatoon


>Proximity Platoon: A member of PlayersPlatoon is within 10m of extraction


>Block Preserve

>Continue if the number of members of >PlayersPlatoon< within 10m of extraction is equal to the number of active actors on >PlayersPlatoon<

>Continue if the number of members of >hostages< within 10 metres of extraction is equal to the number of active actors on >hostages<

Set Timer End It to expire in 3 sec

>Block Remove


Timer End It has expired


declare mission complete

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Sorry guys, I'm not understanding. These responses you're suggesting don't exist. I know they're there somewhere, but how do I open them????? Jack, you say to set a response "set players platoon to the player controllde platoon, but how do I do that? See what I mean? Thanks for your patience guys!!

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Thats how I learned to use IGOR. I looked at missions made by GR and learned from that. Open a mission where you have to reach the extraction zone with a rescued hostage. Then see how they do it. :o=

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I started like this in november too, with my mega mission with 3 scriptblocks :lol:

then I tried around a bit with very little missions and.......

........in january I learned how to make cinematics...... and worked a bit on the USMC 31st MEU.......

then I understood more and more response and combos....

and now I am here :rocky:

and work on my first mod................... :rolleyes::rolleyes::)

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