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I installed the Ghost Recon Gold edition for some nostalgia and here is my issue.
I can install the original Ghost Recon and play the original campaign perfectly fine, no issues what so ever. However, when I install Desert Siege, or Jungle Storm, or even just the 1.3 or 1.4 patch alone without the expansions, the game acts like its starting up, then just crashes back to the desktop with no trace that it even attempted to launch. Don't get me wrong, I love the original game just as much as the expansions, but I would love to be able to play all three again. I've torn the internet apart searching for a fix for this and everyone says to open options.xml and change the fullscreen setting to false, but that has done absolutely nothing for me. any help would be far beyond appreciated.
Thank you in advance!

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1. Install GR from original disk

2. Install DS from original disk

3. Install IT from original disk

4. Install Patch From Here


The 1.3 patch is included when you install DS  :fingersx:


Edited by Hammer
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