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Tom Clancy's The Division, small review


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Tom Clancy's The Division, small review 

Ok, I sprang for TC: The Division. if anyone knows how to create a team, my user name is: "Black6p". Anyway, I went through the usual create your agent yadda yadda right? But the maps are cool. open to go anywhere..you like within the confines of your mission.
Pro: The action is constant and sometimes slow, depends on you. The graphics are gorgeous, love the daytime and nighttime missions. I've died several times because they issue you a weak, puny MP5. They could have started us with an M4 with Acog sight or better.
Cons: the starting weaponry. You have to earn credits to buy better hardware and thus far, the most powerful weapon I recall is the AK-47 or the MP5 version in your safe house. The game in general is a knockoff of the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier in many ways. First, the over shoulder 3rd person view. no 1st Person view thus far I have found out. this hampers your accuracy.
We start out as a puny level 1 agent and in a matter of an hour play or so, I'm a level 3 I think. I think UBISOFT did the players a disservice of giving the player an MP5 to start with. with this division game, I pictured having something with a higher velocity as a 5.56mm assault rifle. I would have created a feature, again if I were UBISOFT to create an agent of a certain style. sharpshooter, assault soldier (M4, G36K or something better), or an MK48. You get in contact with some soldiers that have a logo acronym on their helmet but the acronym slips me. they are stupid and worthless when you need your 6 watched. The game appears to be a massive Multiplayer game with a campaign style of play. It's still a rail shooter in that, you are lead by the hand from one objective to the next. no chance of trying to complete objectives in different orders and THIS is what crippled the Ghost Recon series after GR 2001.
early conclusion and verdict: thus far its a 6-10 stars. They basically took the GR:Future Soldier model and created large maps but kept to the scripted, lead you by the hand from objective to objective. They could atleast have weaponry laying about from bad guys that you can use. Instead we get the usual, get points/credits to purchase better equipment which kills the stealth aspect of the game because you need to blast every bad guy in your AO to get points it would appear. This is an early assessment of the game thus far and I'll post more as time goes on. Expect to die a lot as the enemy are tough to kill, basically a bunch of gang bangers who shoot with their pistols sideways like in the movies and takes a lot of rounds to kill. I have found that shorter bursts do help with accuracy and easier to kill. But all I find is just garbage and not weapons.  
 I'm sorry but I'm beginning to think that GR: Wildlands will be modeled after the Division. this is my fear at the moment. I sure hope I'm wrong. From what I have seen in the Videos and what I have seen in the Division Videos and what I've played of the full version thus far... I'm hesitant to think Wildlands will be what we think it will be.

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I am having fun with it as it is. I hope wildlands and this are different that wildlands gives us back, what we wanted GR to be. I'm learning tactics from the games standpoint and what I learned in my days in the Infantry. I really suggest you use the spacebar and mouse for moving from cover to cover. But its so reminiscent of GR:FS. there are some slight differences in that GR:FS, you were stuck within a lane of movement, some parts of this game you have a parking lot and allows you to try from this standpoint versus another. you are exposed when you fire so, I again suggest you fire ans when a mag change is needed, disengage and let your agent crouch behind cover to change mags or you won't last (Trust me, I've tried to rambo it enough). I have found a positive of the over shoulder cam in that I can stay crouched behind cover and watch the enemy and figure out a plan of attack. Let the AI soldiers contain the sides to try and keep the enemy in a kill area. I'm learning and I'm learning to be more forgiving in that this game isn't straight up combat that I'm accustomed to, in the woods, all out attacking.

I'll post more as I have more to report. feel free to add your piece to this discussion by all means. maybe get a team together.


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Neowin is reporting that a new system against cheaters is being implemented. Cheating system for the division

I chatted with a guy at Ubisoft support about players like me, who are older (48) who play only against AI bots and wanting to use god mode and infinite ammo playing by myself through the objectives. although a MMO game, I asked for possibly a green aura/outline on someone not playing the player vs player aspect only against the AI enemy and the objectives. the higher ups are seriously considering guys like myself and the allowance of godmode and infinite ammo.

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