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I was wondering if anybody was up to still play this game online. If you guys know what GameRanger is then we will use GameRanger. But if you don't it is basically a server browser type of service. GameRanger works well for older games and works very well for OGR. I will link the download below. My dad was a big OGR player that some of you may have known. But I wanted to be able to get into it and have him get back into it with all of us together. If there is people that are willing to play online then either email me at hengeveldnick@gmail.com or reply below. There is no exact time as of now in which the server will be running. But when it is I will be sure to post. There may be a schedule eventually but as i said not now. Much thanks, and lets try to have fun!


GameRanger- http://www.gameranger.com

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www.aogrecon.com We still run a dedi server and still battle in the evening time (indiana est). What mods you cant find here on this site we have on ours. We dont use gameranger but our server is up ALL the time. is also the teamspeak IP to AOG Army Of Ghost is dedicated to finding old clans and new players to come back to GR. NEED a Dedicated server We also have a spare that is run when needed for clan battles. ALL run Reconloger and we mix up the mods on weekends to keep it fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hellau all. I can play with you people online on Coop/MP. I miss playing this game. I remember i was in clan named _BB_ (BravoBrothers) back in the good old days (My old nickname was: _BB_**SKYHIGH**). Ill still miss playing this game to this day. Shame that not many people are playing it online ;( But am here to play with you people. If your body is ready to kick some ass online ones more. You can all call me Dawg if you will. I live in Norway. Am 27 years old atm. Feel free to add me on steam as well (if you want).
Steam: IX_SkyRanger_IX. I wont bite ;)

Have a nice day & night people. :]

Dawg out!

Edited by SkyRanger
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