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Beasley's + Ramirez's heads won't render with model change

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so if you've read this post before i changed it i'll just say that i figured out the camo problem by just reskinning the dds files directly but the problem still remains with Beasley's and Ramirez's heads not showing up when i switched their models from the 3.0 outfits back to the 1.4-1.47 outfits which are the outfits that the mercs use but with the custom headgear. the headgear works fine but the actual heads don't render. I was able to fix it before by giving both of them Jenkins head but i can't seem to figure it out this time i'm not sure if anyone that can help me still watches this forum but any help would be greatly appreciated. I will update this post if i figure it out.

Edited by nickru58
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