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new 200 slot voice server


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Hey everyone,

I just added a 200 person server online for voice comms. It is through Gamevox, which if you don't know are the people who made this by revamping Mumble Voice comms. It is used by professional gamers and teams and the quality is awesome and uptime is better than SW's old Teamspeak ever was. head over to Gamevox to get the software.Then either search Seawolves Special Forces or add up me ( NFMZ1) and you can then just click my name and the server will open up for you. The server is open to all. Only rules I want abided by is A. Be friendly and B. if you use handsfree PLEASE set it so I don't hear you snorting or your old lady bitching at you. If you can agree to those 2 then im sorry. I will mute you if it gets on my nerves lol. So you are fairly warned. If you would like a room made for a certain game or if you speak other than english I can also set that up for you as well. I have 200 slots so I can accomodate that. Some come and enjoy the server. It's officially open!

Video explaining Gamevox.


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yeah I had a few guys testing various setups the last few months and by far this was the best bang for the buck and I am a die hard Ventrilo guy. Come in the server and test it out. That way you know exactly how it is if you want one for yourself.

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I switched to this because our TS server kept going down and cost me 10.00 a month for 25 users. I get 200 on Gamevox for the same price. Now you can get a non profit license from TS but then you gotta host it yourself which never seems to work out I tried that way for awhile. I have tested Gamevox for a few months and have yet to have it not run or lag or dropped ect. It is simple to setup, easy to manage and just works.

Yeah I am not a fan of ACRE or Taskforce radio due to it being just another mod you have to load up. If i wanna hear that squealch I can add those sounds manually. Also I still have surround sound without having to use those. And I save a gigs worth of space. Also I don't have to spend time trying to explain how to set it up, what buttons to hit ect. ArmA is bad enough with the standard button arrangement let alone adding more. AND I don't know if you knew this or not you can add your own Squelch to TS sounds as well, setup different channels for commander , leadership and then fireteam already in TS. Research your TS settings you can do this on your own and not require people to download anything or set it up. The guys at Joint Ops International Conflict tourney do it every Sunday. Commanders sit in one channel, they can communicate with platoon leaders, squad leaders or all players seperately or all together with the click of a button. No software required.

You will have FPS issues because ArmA 2 is optimally optimized... wait i lied they are HORRIBLY optimized lol and the longer you play the worse it seems to get. Now do as Riley does there and add 20 gigs of mods, which it has to hotswap the whole time you play, you will never have a smooth playing game unless you drop the setting to near ArmA 2 free specs. I learned years ago when it comes to Bohemia products use KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) That way everyone can play, everyone can join and if you build missions use vanilla assets and use mods very sparingly. I knew guys you had to download new mods everytime they built a mission and that sucks when you try and join their server.

If you still have FPS issues I learned that if you install ArmA 2 free, then transfer the addons folder to your existing ArmA 2 folder it jumps the FPS up 30+ frames. Now you do lose some nice looking textures but I like gameplay versus looks.

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