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A big thank you!


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I'm not sure if this is the right section or not but I just wanted to thank all the modders ,past and present, for all their hard work and creativity. And rocky for his hard work here.

i remember seeing GR on shelves back in the day and immediately falling in love with it just based on its cover. I eventually played it on Gamecube, many many gameplay hours later i bought the xbox version, then the ps2 version. I found out about all the mods and the PC version became a no brainer instant buy. I was surprised at the selection of mods and the community. I still am.

So again thanks to all of you creative people out there who continuously breathe life into this game . It means a lot to people like me who cant stop playing a 10+ year old game. Your hard work puts a smile on my face. :cheers:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right Hand, Sleeper, Jack57, El Oso...those four names alone can bring you many hrs of wonderment, and they merely represent the tip of the 'berg...I'll add another cause w/o him my desire to do an Unofficial Expansion Pack would never have seen the light of day...Phlookian. The folks one or all mentioned earlier also had great influence on that mod and/or all of my missions...the names begin flood into my mind...thanks to them all for helping to make GR what it is...

Edited by migryder
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