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Is there away to remove the dog barking sound, also whats the best ran

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Hi was curious is there a way to remove the random dog barking sound in some standard maps when playing firefight mission? Is this a random sound in all standard maps or just certain ones, would love to get rid of it.

Also noticed there may be a mod that places the enemy in different random locations, when playing firefights whats the best one and was it ever perfected?

Last question was there a mod that changed the ai voices of your teammates are removed allot of there speech?

Thanks for any info!


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1. Yes, you would have to open IGOR in the main GR directory, open each mission file (.mis), and remove the dog bark sound from the Sound Emitters list. An experienced scripter would have no problem doing this. Do you have something against dogs? ;)

2. Mission HX was a totally random mission generator if I recall correctly, although I don't think I've ever played it. Search for it in the DOWNLOADS section.

3. You can always go to the sound options menu and disable voices, but this isn't what you want obviously. You can download Texas Militia by clicking the DOWNLOAD NOW link in my signature, it removes most of the 'tank spotted', 'enemy down', and the annoying red text from the game. I did leave the 'understood', 'moving out', 'enemy spotted' voices for realism though. There are a couple other mods that do the same thing although I couldn't name them off the top of my head.

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Don't take this the wrong way gents/ladies, but from the time the game came out, I wanted the "barking dog" , assuming it was the enemy's guard dog, to come from the building or player was allowed to enter the building and "silence" the barking dog.

IE: Take care of what was drawing attention to my presence.

I think a modder could do that ! IMHO

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Wow thanks for the speedy replys. I dont have any problem with dogs hehe, but when I am out in the forest and hear I dog barking in my ear like it is real real close and there is no dog around, it just a sound that does not need to be there. Now if I was in a different enviroment it would be more believable.

"open each mission file (.mis), and remove the dog bark sound from the Sound Emitters list. An experienced scripter would have no problem doing this." I may have to look into this OR MAYBE I could take the 1 Dog barking file and replace it with another sound, would this be possible instead of editing every mission?

"Mission HX was a totally random mission generator", great I will give that a try. Stock Firefight missions have no randomness correct?

Okay I am fairly new to Ghost Recon and installing and playing all the new mods, but I did purchase the 6 cd set awhile back. So these big mods like Texas Militia and Heroes unleashed will actually carry over there changes when playing standard maps on firefight mode? Interesting.

Thanks for all the info!

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Yeah the dog in the Creekbed map is ridiculous. Just remember you need to make these changes in your own mod, don't edit original files.

Firefights have just a little randomness, not much. There are 36 spawn points and 30 enemies so you can see how it is a bit random.

Yes most bigger mods change those kinds of things in all gametypes.

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