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Sample map for testing custom sounds


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Hi Folks,

Thought it might be a good idea to post a test mission here so you can try out the new custom sounds mod, plus I need some feedback on any problems you may have installing or running the mod. unlike my usual beta maps this one has no password so it's there for all to try.

This map has no AI or objectives, all you will see is three buildings, there is a garage with a flip open door which has a stock sound attached to it to make sure the stock sounds are working.

The next building is the jail house, the door has a custom sound attached to it.

The last building is the HQ, again the door has a custom sound but if you go up the stairs you should hear two more sounds.

Some of you may recognise these custom sounds as they are from Tinkers Rockall mod for GR, I have full permission to use these sounds from neddle69 the original author.

In the download you will find the usual bundle file and a folder called "Custom Sounds Mod" there is a Readme file in there with full instructions on how to install the mod.

I would be grateful if those that run dedicated severs could test this mission on their servers, I have tried these custom sounds on my dedi and all seems fine. PLEASE NOTE there are no extra files (apart from the map bundle) to upload to your dedicated server.

For more information about the development of the mod see this thread.

If this test mission is successful then I will include all new sounds in my future missions.

Thanks for testing and I look forward to your feedback.

If you want to read the instructions for installing the custom sound mod I have included them in the spoiler below to save space.

Instructions for installing and running the sound mod.

Once downloaded you will have one folder called "Custom Sounds Mod" in that folder are two more folders and two batch files, these are:

Folder names:



File names (both batch files):



Installing the mod:

Copy the "Local_Regular_Weapons" folder and paste it into the root directory of GR:AW2, for me this is C:\Program Files (x86)\UBISOFT\Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2.

Copy both files in the sound folder and paste them into the sound folder of your weapon mod (IMPORTANT: this sound mod is only compatible with unbundled versions of your weapons mod).

Copy both batch files "coop_Regular_Weapons" and "coop_Weapons_mod" and place them in the root directory of GR:AW2.

If you are using a weapon mod then rename the Local folder to "Local_Weapons_Mod" and make sure there is no English folder inside.

If you just have an English folder in your Local folder the delete the Local folder.

That's it the sound mod is now installed, next is setting up the files to work with your system and weapon mod.

Setting up the mod:

Go to the root directory of GR:AW2 and right click on the batch file "coop_Weapons_mod" then select "Edit" it will then open in notepad.

First you may need to change the path names depending on your OS and installation location, next you need to specify which weapons mod you are using in the second line, the default is context_rahnmans_coop_kits_v4.01.xml, you may need to change this if you are using a different version of Rahnman's mod or are using Brettzies mod, that's it, save and close the file.

Next right click on "coop_Regular_Weapons" and select "Edit" all you need to do here is update the path names if necessary, save and close the file.

Once that is done you then need to right click on both batch files and select "Send to" then "Desktop (create shortcut).

If you have UAC turned on then you need to run the two batch file shortcuts as administrator.

The sound mod is now installed and setup.


All of the above is a one off process as all other files and sound (wav) files will be included within the map's bundle file.


All sounds are taken from the map so there are no files to upload to your dedicated server.

Running the sound mod with the game:

If you want to play a co-op mission with a weapon mod then double click on the "coop_Weapons_mod" batch file. My batch file renames the "Local_Weapons_Mod" folder to "Local" then runs the game along with your weapon mod, when you stop the game the batch file will then rename the "Local" folder back to "Local_Weapons_Mod"

The batch file that comes with the weapon mod is no longer needed.

If you want to play a co-op mission using the regular weapons then double click on the "coop_Regular_Weapons" batch file. My batch file renames the "Local_Regular_Weapons" folder to "Local" then runs the game, when you stop the game the batch file will then rename the "Local" folder back to "Local_Regular_Weapons"

If you play multiplayer then start the game in the normal way by clicking on the graw2 Shortcut on your desktop.

Even if you play co-op missions that do not use the custom sounds you can still run the game as described above.

I have tried the mod on my PC and two laptops with the UAC both on and off, so far I haven't had any problems.

Map name for dedicated servers:






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Hi John,

I installed the sound mod as described and started the game. As you said, there are only 3 buildings and no AI.

As I went to the garage and opened the door I heard a sound that was almost a bit similar like after a tank or AA got blown up.

Sounded a bit like a squeaky door, but also like that particular sound you hear after blowing up a tank or AA.

When I went to the HQ door and opened it, I didn't hear anything. Same with the jaildoor; no sound. Tried it a few times, but nothing.


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Hi Rico,

Thanks for testing.

Did you go up the stairs in the HQ building? if you did and the game crashed then you haven't installed it correctly.

Which weapons are you using, regular or a weapon mod, if it's a weapon mod then which version are you using as the older versions are not setup for these custom sounds.

If you are using an older version of a weapon mod I can post the code you need to get this working, it's just a case of adding two lines to the settings.xml in the sound folder of your weapon mod.



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Just a heads up!

I downloaded the map again and installed the sound mod and map on Sonia's PC using the same files as you have Rico and it worked fine on her laptop which has the UAC turned on.

All I can think of here is what I mentioned above that maybe you are using an old version of a weapon mod or you may have missed something when you installed the mod.

I assume you started the game using the desktop shortcut to my batch file.

Let me know how you get on.


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Hey John,

You were right, I forgot to change something.... the path for the files :wall: ... stupid me.

I tried it again and now I heard all 3 doors open with the right sounds.

As I went upstairs I heard a voice tellin' me to drop my pants or something :rofl: ... yeah right.., LOL

Well, as for me the sounds are ok. What else do you got up your sleeve?

You're taking GRAW2 to a whole new level with all your features and sounds.

What's next? GRAW 3 maybe... TC02 style?

Anyway, good job :fingersx:


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Below are the revised installation instructions if you do not use a weapon mod.

Instructions for installing and running the sound mod if you don't use a weapon mod.

Once downloaded you will have one folder called "Custom Sounds Mod" in that folder are two more folders and two batch files, these are:

Folder names:


sound (this is not used if you don't use a weapons mod)

File names (both batch files):


coop_Weapons_mod (if you don't use a weapon mod then you don't need this file)

Installing the mod:

Copy the "Local_Regular_Weapons" folder and paste it into the root directory of GR:AW2, for me this is C:\Program Files (x86)\UBISOFT\Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2.

Copy the batch file "coop_Regular_Weapons" and place it in the root directory of GR:AW2 then delete the Local folder.

That's it the sound mod is now installed, next is setting up the files to work with your system.

Setting up the mod:

Go to the root directory of GR:AW2 and right click on the batch file "coop_Regular_Weapons" then select "Edit" it will then open in notepad.

Here you may need to change the path names depending on your OS and installation location, what you need is to enter the path to the file "graw2.exe" once that is done just save and close the file.

Next you then need to right click on the batch file "coop_Regular_Weapons" and select "Send to" then "Desktop (create shortcut).

If you have UAC turned on then you need to run the batch file shortcut as administrator.

The sound mod is now installed and setup.


All of the above is a one off process as all other files and sound (wav) files will be included within the map's bundle file.


All sounds are taken from the map so there are no files to upload to your dedicated server.

Running the sound mod with the game:

If you want to play a co-op mission using the regular weapons then double click on the "coop_Regular_Weapons" batch file shortcut on your desktop.

My batch file renames the "Local_Regular_Weapons" folder to "Local" then runs the game, when you stop the game the batch file will then rename the "Local" folder back to "Local_Regular_Weapons"

If you play multiplayer then start the game in the normal way by clicking on the graw2 Shortcut on your desktop.

Even if you play co-op missions that do not use the custom sounds you can still run the game as described above.

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Alright, you pushed me into it. But I'm really glad you did! Everything worked perfectly (of course, this is just running it on my PC). Love the new sounds of the doors, and the voices upstairs...just WOW!

I can already see the possibilities. Screaming prisoners ("Help!, Help Us! We're in here!"). Or in those cases where the objectives are hidden, use prisoners calling out to guide us to them.

Edited by JackDoe
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John, I for one appreciate your work unreservedly and only wish to make the following comments as constructional and nothing else, so please take it as just that.

I unzipped the files and, like everyone else, went to the readme file.

Going through that is a nightmare !

Many of us here are easily up to that, but many many players (I dont think) will not install that correctly due to the complexity of what you have to do.

In its current form, I would recommend that you dont put it out there like that, even if it does work.

I would not like to see you go through all that work, put it out into the internet just to see it abandoned due to install problems.

Thats my opinion of looking through install procedure and what you have to do to get it working.

Not sure if you can make it an easier "all in one" package, included will all "future" maps, which will probably be easier I would have thought, rather than a completely seperate mod ???

Its something to think about.

As I said, please dont take this as a negative comment as it wasnt meant that way, purely constructional.



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Many thanks for testing the mod Jack, pleased you had no problems installing it and that you like the new sounds, yeah the possibilities here are endless.

Hi CJo1964, thanks for your feedback it's much appreciated and I take comets as a positive this is why I sent you all a PM so I can get as much input here as possible, there will always be some that can install the mod without any problems but others will have problems.

I will just mention again that installing the mod is a one off process, once the files are installed all other files that have to be unique to each mission such as the sound (wav) files and xml files will all be included in the map bundle.

The problem I have here is that GR:AW2 handles sound files is a strange way, it's not possible to include everything in the bundle as I need to overwrite the stock sound settings that are listed in the settings.xml which is in the quick.bundle, the only way of doing this is to have the files in the Local folder, either in the English folder if you are using the regular weapons or in the Local weapons mod folder if you are using a weapon mod.

So what I have done here is the only way of adding custom sounds to the game, Jody did say that she could make an application which would install all the files for you but I'm not sure how that would work as not everyone has the same setup, some are using different weapon mods while others don't use them at all.

If anyone can update or change the installation instructions to make them easier to follow then that may help, it's difficult for me to make them any easier as I think it says what it needs to and IMO this mod is easy to install, but I would say that as I made it. :)

It may be an idea to release the first mission in two versions, one with custom sounds and one without or would this just add to the confusion. :unsure:



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Hi John.

I did the test today and all working fine. Even the guy talking something about take off my pants?

But i have polish folder not english, so here what i did

I renemed my local folder to local org and copied all folders except sound to your mods. named your regular weapon folder to local and it worked.

Nice work :clapping:



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Thanks for testing Vic, pleased you didn't have any problems.

Daro, I never thought about people using a different language, I would have thought you should still be able to install the mod as per the instructions then rename the English folder that is in the "Local_Regular_Weapons" folder to Polish or whatever language you are using then run the game using the supplied batch files.

So that looks like two more happy customers :)


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Thanks Jody.

My next mission will contain some custom sounds, I won't add to many in case there are any problems or players are having difficulty installing the mod.

If the sound mod isn't that popular with the general public then I can always re-release the mission without the new sounds, I'll have to wait to see how full my inbox is after the mission is released.

My next mission is progressing but with all these new features plus I'll be adding the custom sounds it will be a few weeks before it's ready for testing.

Thanks again for all your support folks, it's much appreciated. :thumbsup:

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I was a little lost until you posted the revised instructions as I did not have any weapons mods installed. After that though I had no problems. Another of my group installed it fine as well. As soon as the guy that has a dedicated server is online I will have him try it as well.


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Just had a thought.

What if from now on you put out maps with custom sounds in and a player doesnt have the sound mod installed ?

What happens then ?

Possible map crash due to sound file not being found ?

I have a funny feeling this will happen.

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Yeah that is the problem, if the mission contains custom sounds and you don't have the sound mod installed then the game will crash when you activate a trigger that starts a custom sound, sounds that are embedded in props (animated doors) will not crash the game.

Anyway, my next mission will contain the new custom sounds so you will need to install the mod to play it, I just hope that people will take their time to read the install instructions, it's not hard to install if you follow the instructions carefully, there will be two readme files, one for those that have a weapon mod and one for those that don't.

I would like to say again that installing the sound mod is a one off process, once you have installed it you don't need to do it again or change any files in the mod, all sound files and script will be included in the missions bundle file.

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All the custom sounds are now in my next mission, I have added new sounds to all the animated props so you will hear them on all the gates, barriers, doors, and garage doors plus some of the props have new sounds as well.

The elevator is in the next mission and is fully working plus it has a cool sound when it's in use, I have used it on my 8 storey office block so it will take you to the top floor.

These missions are taking longer and longer to get finished so it will be a while before it's ready.

I just hope these new sounds will be popular, time will tell.

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No disrespect to you John, as i for one think this game would have died a long time ago unless people like your good self who gave up their free time to support it, but I dont think I will be using this mod.

I still think it needs making simpler, but hey thats my opinion !

Brilliant idea, but not so user friendly I think.

Good luck to all that use it and want to alter several items in their files but I will just stay with the weapons mods and play the unmodded sound maps i think.


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It's a shame that you don't want to give the sound mod a chance, I think everyone else here has been able to get it working, if you follow the instructions carefully it isn't that hard to install, plus if you use my batch files all the folders are renamed for you each time you run the game.

I'm trying to find a fix for the game so it doesn't crash if you haven't got the sound mod installed when there are custom sounds in my missions, so far my tests have gone well but I need to try it on my dedicated server with another player as I'm not sure what will happen if you join a server where all the others are using a sound mod but you aren't.

I'll be testing this tomorrow with Sonia, she will use the sound mod but I won't, I'm not sure if it will flag up the altered files warning.

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