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Spec Ops: The Line Review by IGN


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IGN have put up a Review of a game i've been waiting for, for AGES Spec Ops: The Line.

It sounds very much like i wanted it to be, a shooter with a difference, and i'm not talking about gameplay.

For the first time, a game with guns doesn't want you to be the hero -- it's wants you to feel terrible about trying to be one.

IGN's Review is full of good points, and bad points and they gave it an 8.0 (great) overall, 8.0 out of 10 is pretty awesome to me!

IGN Full Review

UK Release: 29th June 2012

anyone else looking forward?

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Here's another review: http://penny-arcade....at-how-war-make

Clearly not a great game, but I'm picking it up to see what they're trying to accomplish. I'm all for experimentation and risk-taking when it comes to storylines and not treating gamers like we're morons or kids, so I'm eager to see what they did even if it's maybe not the best game ever.

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I didn't see much difference between that (demo) and the generic 3rd person shooter. Could just be me though, seeing that I've tired of the 'same old same old' formula.

agreed!.. I tried the demo via steam on pc tho, didn't seem anything special.. Just your usual patriotic american army shooter..

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I played the Demo on the PS3 and thought it was interesting and entertaining. I think the days of a shooter "wowing" people are over. Besides an overdone genre people are way more cynical about new game releases.

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On my first playthrough of the demo, I found the cover mechanice to be really sluggish, but I gave it another shot once I'd learned the nuances of it, and it starts to feel right. Of course, the controls really do favor somebody who hangs back rather than a more agressive flanker, but it does feel like it gets better. I haven't heard how many hours of play to expect though, so I'm hanging back until the fall.

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  • 2 months later...

So, I heard really good things about the story and decided to snap it up before the price dropped.

This is NOT in the same genre as Ghost Recon, or even Gears of War. If you're looking for a game where you can just shoot things and feel a release from that, look elsewhere.

After the big moment, the white phosphorus scene, I honestly had difficulty continuing to play. Part of me doesn't want to play it again, and not because it was poorly executed. The game is disturbing, and forces you to think about why you are doing what you are doing, and at what cost. Its not your standard "No Russian" thing where you can clearly see that what you are asked to do is wrong, and anyway, you don't necessarily have the option to opt out. However, its not like in the COD: Black Ops torture sequence either, where your only means of interaction is to torture the guy. Its subtler and more nuanced, and its necessity leaves you asking questions of yourself. This is the game that we'll look back on and say "this is where games became art".

Spec Ops: The Line is an experiment in fiddling with the emotions of the player. It is NOT a game for kids, and I'd say that if you still believe its a pro-America shooter after finishing it, then you have a very warped sense of what defines nationalism.

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Many thanks for that post, petsfed. I am absolutely intrigued to give the game a try after reading your comments about it. Sounds very promising indeed, if they managed to involve you so much they must be doing something right, and it is about time for shooters to cut the corner to causing some deliberate reflexion. Thanks again. :thumbsup:

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