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There's a new Ghost Recon. It's called Ground Branch.

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Truthfully i backed takedown because it came 1st and it spoke how i feel about tactical gaming. My job has had so many funding cuts i can only back so much and the wifey would probably kill me if she knew i backed any. The risk part is ... if a company gets the money to create it.. will they finish it? kickstarer in general is a risk. 1 risk at a time is all i can take and takedown got it.

That's what really matters, so no worries. Thanks for giving us an objective look.

You talked injury model but didn't place another character in the training room that you could shoot and show them limp. That would have got attention. And show the character you are controlling get injured.

Fair critique.

Don't take this wrong though or as a bash. Just trying to help if you re-kickstart it. Like i said, hopefully financially i'll be in a better place and excited when it launches if it delivers and i wish you the best.

It's all good.

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Yeah it's not so much that the idea is a PR stunt or a marketing pitch. It's about grabbing people's attention and showing them that you are capable of putting together something interesting and creative, no matter what it is. The video for the CLANG Kickstarter is a great example. I seriously doubt a tenth of their donors know anything about swords, but the pitch makes it interesting and entertaining, and something that even casual supporters can get behind. That's where the big numbers come from, beyond the core fan base.

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The video for the CLANG Kickstarter is a great example. I seriously doubt a tenth of their donors know anything about swords, but the pitch makes it interesting and entertaining, and something that even casual supporters can get behind. That's where the big numbers come from, beyond the core fan base.

Good example. That was a great video and very entertaining. But it also have a very good idea of what the game was to be about as well. In fact, I think that one was better than Double Fines simply because of that.

It seems the trick is people want to be entertained in the KS video more than be informed.

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Eehm, Rocky if 360k is pocket money for you, why not support it :)?

And I'd rather support Ground Branch than Kickstarter.

I know English is not your first language, but I said $15 is pocket money.

sorry to disagree with you Rocky.

How boring would my life be if everyone agreed with me all the time. Thanks for your input, and cya.

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It seems the trick is people want to be entertained in the KS video more than be informed.

And that is unfortunate in my opinion. Though, I was as good as sold once the coop thing I asked here on the forum was sorted.(and even more sold WRT TrackIR, since I got mine I have been wishing GR supported it)

Honestly, I have no real suggestions about getting enough backers, never mind in only 9 days. Unless you had some really big influential names to harp on about it.. harp on... harpo....? oprah.....? Do you think oprah happens to like tactical squadthingy shooters by any chance? >_>

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It seems the trick is people want to be entertained in the KS video more than be informed.

And that is unfortunate in my opinion. Though, I was as good as sold once the coop thing I asked here on the forum was sorted.

For the hardcore fans like us I don't think it really matters. We know exactly what we want to see and are looking for details. But for people unfamiliar with the genre or who are more casual fans, I think it makes sense that they'd be looking for an entertaining presentation. It's an entertainment product after all - what they really want to know is that it's going to be fun. Having an entertaining video goes a long way towards demonstrating that the team making the game knows how to put together a fun experience.

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What we missed out on was the "drive by" impulse type buyer. The ones that need that entertainment.

But more importantly we grossly underestimated the direct response (lack of) of the hardcore fans like us. I expected there to be enough to carry the bulk of the load of the KS considering this is what they want and it didn't happen. Why that is I'm not exactly sure.

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Exactly - and those are the people that Notch and fourzerotwo brought in droves on Takedown's last day. And many of them may not even care that much about the game, they just want to support indie game development. If I'm remembering correctly, there are still a ton of takedown supporters who haven't even signed up for the private forums yet.

I don't know what's going on with the hardcore fans if there really are that many who havent stepped up yet. Yes there's some risk in putting money towards a game that might never be finished or might not be perfect, but on the flip side if you don't take that risk on people who want to make these kinds of games, then there is zero chance of anything ever being made and you've saved what, $15? Great, blow it on a pizza to celebrate.

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This is why I am asking those that pledged, who said/ where did you hear about Ground Branch?

Many comes from GR.net

But we still need to know where the Tactical Gamers are at.

One pledged said he came from Beyond Unreal. And that blew me surprised because, I havent been there since 2000? Apparently, that community is still strong and hardly untapped.

MeanF said me spamming doesn't work. Okay, but 3 PM later said they pledged.

I spam Yourtube when it came to COD/MOH/ BF until I came to SideStrafe and SerenityDivide.

I get one confirm pledge.

Where are the gamers? They need to be spammed.

KS maybe over soon, but I pledge to keep spamming.

I'm done paying $60... BF3 was my last.

Sorry MOHWF, even though it's set in the Philippines, I'm goin to past on it.

My pennies will be to the finished Ground Branch.

What else can we do?

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i'm doing what i can to earn $15 through work online and whatnot,i'm just sorry i can't promise more. but i like the look of ground branch, and i think it could do with people pledging more.

guys seriously, you either pledge or you don't there is really no use Bickering about it or anything, if it doesn't get anywhere (i believe the contrary) then you get your money back. fair deal, so quit complaining and appreciate that mr.Sondecker has taken the time and effort to give us all what we wanted for 10 years.

All the Best John Sondecker! i have faith in you if no-one else does. :thumbsup:

Edited by Zeealex
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For me it's just come down to some bad timing and luck.

The wife and I are re-financing the house for a lower rate and it's cost us more then $1000 so far just to get things up to par and now another $600 for the appraisal and closing. And of course the wife has a lead foot that's cost another $114. I don't even want to get started on the kid and his costs.

So I'm still hoping beyond hope that I can contribute to the cause but only the Shadow knows if I'm gonna find a rabbit in a hat.

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MeanF said me spamming doesn't work. Okay, but 3 PM later said they pledged.

It depends on your definition of "work" ;)

It will get you some donations. But it won't get you anywhere near the volume of traffic or donations that you need to make the campaign successful. You dont need to bring 100 people, you need to bring in 50,000 and get 10% to contribute.

For me it's just come down to some bad timing and luck.

The wife and I are re-financing the house for a lower rate and it's cost us more then $1000 so far just to get things up to par and now another $600 for the appraisal and closing.

I'm in the same boat - I'm between jobs and relocating across country. I need every dollar I can keep in my bank account to cover moving expenses and put together a deposit for a new place. Give me another 6 weeks and I could go a lot higher :)

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For me it's just come down to some bad timing and luck.

The wife and I are re-financing the house for a lower rate and it's cost us more then $1000 so far just to get things up to par and now another $600 for the appraisal and closing. And of course the wife has a lead foot that's cost another $114. I don't even want to get started on the kid and his costs.

It's all good. I appreciate even the good thoughts.

I'm in the same boat - I'm between jobs and relocating across country. I need every dollar I can keep in my bank account to cover moving expenses and put together a deposit for a new place. Give me another 6 weeks and I could go a lot higher :)

Again... no worries. And I'd like to give a public appology to you directly. I know all you were trying to do was help. So sorry for letting frustration get the best of me. :yes:

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Think most of us are getting frustrated John, I can't for the life of me understand how you can keep it from boiling over! I've got but a fraction of time invested in GB compared to you and I have to stop reading mostly all the threads about GB and the kickstarter before I post something that would get me booted or damage the campaign!

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Too bad there isn't more time. Sonedecker, any reason for the short time limit?

It was 35 days in total. There has been a lot of research done that found 30-35 day was the best time period by far. I did 35 to help cover the E3 week. In hindsight maybe pulling back and starting it now instead of then would have been better. Who knows.

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Again... no worries. And I'd like to give a public appology to you directly. I know all you were trying to do was help. So sorry for letting frustration get the best of me. :yes:

Thanks I appreciate it, and I share your frustration although I'm sure to a much lesser degree considering how much work you've put into the project.

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