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Climing over walls in Ghost Recon?

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I was prowling around the sound files in OGR, when I stumbled upon a file with this name:


Curious, I opened it to find that it says things like this:

"Low obstacles can be climbed. Press the action key when you're facing a wall to climb over it. The progress indicator shows how long until you finish the climb. Notice that while you're climbing, you cannot move or shoot."

I was shocked by this. Maybe RSE intended to release GR with a climbing feature? Share your thoughts here.

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I hope you have recovered from your shock. :shifty:

Must say that I always thought that this was a big miss from RSE to decide not to incorporate a climbing feature. If you make a tactical shooter game, you could say that this is mandatory. I mean..."we are ghosts...blahblahblah,....but we can't climb over a 20inch fence".

On the other hand, jumping is something they could have been able to do too, but I am thankful that they didn't provide us with that option! I can only imagine how online games would have turned into 'bunny shooting'. :bounce:

In the end it didn't make me like the game any less. Think about it...how many games do you know that people enjoy so much 10 years after it's release?!


Spik@ :hi:

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Yes i have seen a post about it a while ago, seems it was looked at by RSE but not used the sound files are there, but thats it all other material was removed, animations, scripting reference and so on to save on file size Remember that when GR was released it needed a wopping 1.5GB disk space to install :rofl: Thats about the opening cut scene for a new game lol

I think Tinker and a few others before have looked into it with no luck

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The Sum of All Fears includes it. The games are really similar, only some skins, squad options and limitations added.


It would be nice, in the face of the 10th anniversary of GR, that UBI could give something for the original game. Maybe a new patch that could add some feature the community always wanted to see. I guess some features wouldn't be that hard to include to the current UBI developers.


Or they could add the Beta C-mag, the masterkey and the NV scope versions of the M4/M16.

Edited by Operative
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It would be nice, in the face of the 10th anniversary of GR, that UBI could give something for the original game. Maybe a new patch that could add some feature the community always wanted to see. I guess some features wouldn't be that hard to include to the current UBI developers.

Or they could open source it :thumbsup:

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I can see a problem with climbing on the Castle map: physics, otherwise known as Health & Safety (and a violation thereof) :)

IIRC, the Castle map, amoung other maps, had a few (flimsy) wooden "20 inch fence(s)" (Zeko's words). Realistically, a flimsy wooden fence is going to collapse, especially after several soldiers carrying full equipment have clambered/vaulted over it. GR doesn't have the physics to simulate the fence collapsing or a soldier or two breaking their necks as a result of the former.

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I don't think I would care if a fence wouldn't fall down. I mean, c'mon, it's a 10 year old game, and I don't think too many people would be worried sick if the physics weren't BF3-level. I would rather not have the realism of physics than not have the realism of being able to climb over a pebble on the ground.

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Yeah, as Tinker stated above, some things can be stepped onto, but not clambered as described in that Training sound file I found, by using the action key. Also, I've found a few places where you can actually fall and be wounded yet not killed. This includes M10 Vilnius, where you can jump off the long ruined building by where you start and where the APC is. If you go to the long, narrow, ridge inside it you can jump onto the ruins below, sometimes suffering in leg wounds. On M12 Docks, by the big storage tanks you can jump off one side next to the ramp and it will also wound you. Also, in CP04 Jungle Prison, if you go on the wooden catwalk that winds around the center building, you can go to the side of the stairs and jump off, but I don't think it hurts you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What a cool find! I bet it was just 'one of those things' that got back burnered at cruch time as the game obviously played well enough with out it; perhaps getting animation to look good and the feature to function smoothly just wasn't practical in the time they had. The capability of RSE's engine from game features, to the way it scales, to the impressive continuity of all the art assets still impresses me to this day! With even big publishers getting in on 'retro gaming' and trying to monetize any thing that's less expensive to develop it's surprised Ubisoft doesn't revist the handsome, well oild money machine they have in Ghost Recon.


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I couldn't agree more with the points stated above, especially the last lines. Ubisoft is cranking out a bunch of over-the-shoulder futuristic crud these days, and it gets really pathetic after a while. Why not give us the game that we all loved with a new engine, new graphics, and new features and the same great modding tools?

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  • 8 months later...

Shameless posting in an old topic but I had to bring this up again. Somebody mentioned that the animations were gone for the climbing over walls -- think again. I was going through Viper_talon's animation mod that shows a bunch of guys doing all the game animations over and over and guess what I saw, a guy putting his hand in the air in front of him as if he were resting on a wall then throwing his legs forward -- no doubt about it, it is a wall-jumping animation. Shame they didn't include this feature, maybe they would've had to have too many different animations for different heights? I might post a video of this.

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  • 2 months later...

Shameless posting in an old topic but I had to bring this up again. Somebody mentioned that the animations were gone for the climbing over walls -- think again. I was going through Viper_talon's animation mod that shows a bunch of guys doing all the game animations over and over and guess what I saw, a guy putting his hand in the air in front of him as if he were resting on a wall then throwing his legs forward -- no doubt about it, it is a wall-jumping animation. Shame they didn't include this feature, maybe they would've had to have too many different animations for different heights? I might post a video of this.

Shoot me if i'm wrong, but there's got to be a way of implementing it into the game somehow...

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