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Dedicated server memory leak fixed.


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I've recently bought a copy of GRAW2 in a "bargain-bin" but could find no fix for this major show-stopping problem, despite hours of searching. After a lot of diagnostics and testing I have created this fix. If the old lags around here already know about this then "..please move on, this is not the thread you are looking for..".

Navigate to your "Ghost Recon Advanced WarFighter 2" folder.

Edit the "context-standalone.xml" file and add the following line:

<threaded_renderer value="false" />

What baffles me is how Ubisoft distributed a game that simply failed as a dedicated server. Weird..

Enjoy! ;)

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Have you managed to prove this?

Yes, I wouldn't have posted otherwise, but try it for yourself.

My server was losing around 200Kb/second, so nearly 700Mb/hour/per player.

If you run up (from memory, I normally use a linux desktop) the windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del) and tab to 'Performance' or 'Processes' you can monitor the server memory usage. Mine stays stable at around 400Mbytes usage now, whereas before the graw2-dedicated.exe would crash with 'out-of-memory' errors after a certain time, depending on, obviously, player count and server memory.

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Have you managed to prove this?

Yes, I wouldn't have posted otherwise, but try it for yourself.

My server was losing around 200Kb/second, so nearly 700Mb/hour/per player.

If you run up (from memory, I normally use a linux desktop) the windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del) and tab to 'Performance' or 'Processes' you can monitor the server memory usage. Mine stays stable at around 400Mbytes usage now, whereas before the graw2-dedicated.exe would crash with 'out-of-memory' errors after a certain time, depending on, obviously, player count and server memory.

Cool, I'll add this info to the FAQ.


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  • 11 months later...

I can confirm that this fix does work.

I've been using it on my dedicated server for a while now and had no memory leak related crashes since adding the line to my context-standalone.xml.

I should mention that I'm using a dual core laptop as a dedi so I don't know if this would work the same on a true paid for server, but I see no reason why it shouldn't.

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Not only can I confirm this fix works...

But it works with multiple instances and versions on the same server, in that: <threaded_renderer value="false" /> will not interfere with multiple instances of the SADS setting up on a new thread if it’s available.

I run 4 GRAW2 servers in the same 4 core virtual machine. all 4 SADS are more stable then ever before


Awesome work DrHack I wish you were around with this fix 4 years ago

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