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Xbox 720 in Development?

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It's funny that Xbox owners speak of the mighty RRoD. The reason it's funny is because I've had my 360 Elite for a fair few years now (second hand no less) and I've had not RRoDs whatsoever. True story. I blame the owners for how they abuse the console. :rofl:

Edit: wrong forum for thread maybe. 11 hours at work tends to do that to you.

Edited by WytchDokta
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naah i don't abuse my console i love it to pieces, i only really play on gears of war and it hasn't had one yet, which is good but i have had friends uberly frustrated by it before and they look after it and position it correctly.

but the error system is stupid, you get the 4 lights for not having the AV cable in, when an older system like a PS2 or an original Xbox would run as normal without them. (needed to test an Xbox 360 for a 3 light for my friend so i could fix it up but i didn't have the cables, i needed it to run as normal :P )

but i will look forward to seeing the 720's design and seeing if most common problems have been fixed (don't hold your breath, this is microsoft we are talking about here)

Edited by Zeealex
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I had one RRoD on my xbox. =P and that's the first console that I have had that actually had a problem with it. lol Even our Playstation 2 that sits on a carpet with a cat laying on it while someone plays it for hours doesn't have a problem and its the slim version too. Go figure haha.

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The Xbox 360 platform will be 7 years old next year. The original Xbox only stuck around for four years before they replaced it. While it might seem overdue at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed it another year to 2013. I don't think they really consider the WII U a threat and they're basically dominating Sony at the moment. Sony is widely believed to be targeting 2014 or later for a refresh of the Playstation. Microsoft really has no incentive to rush it unless Sony decides to push up their schedule.

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