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Gold Edition GR won't start

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I'm really struggling here. I changed the dgbhelp.dll to dgbhelp_old.dll and placed the new options.xml into the Ghost Recon directory, then changed the fullscreen variable to false but it still won't start at all. Absolutely nothing. I also changed my screen resolution from 1920x1080 to something smaller but still nothing.

It doesn't even try to start when clicking the ghostrecon.exe, nothing at all.

I'm running Windows 10, the latest direct x, with Geforce GT 1030 graphics card.

Any help would be gratefully received as I'm all out of ideas. I don't suppose there's a patch anywhere that solves this?



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Yes, it's the Gold Edition Ghost Recon CD Rom, which includes the original and Desert Siege mission pack. I'm used to older games not working straight away but I normally find a 64 bit patch or workaround that gets them working, but I've hit a brick wall with this one. Whatever I do, it won't start. Oddly too, when I install GR and then try to install Desert Seige, it doesn't recognise the original installation and says I need to install GR first. It's frustrating but maybe there's a clue there. Why wouldn't DS install when I've just installed GR? Doesn't make sense to me. 

One more clue perhaps, is that I bought the CD from CEX, so it's second hand. Having said that, upon installing GR, it didn't ask me for any code, because there isn't one included in the manual or box.

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Update - I reinstalled GR into the Steam directory, still nothing upon clicking the .exe, but at least I was able to then install DS. Alas, I can't access that unless I can get GR going, and it's currently not playing ball.

It's no doubt still something to do with the initial video, which crashing on bigger monitors. I'm running the NVidia Geforce Experience drivers, and the screen size is probably the issue that is not overridden by the options.xml file or changing the dbghelp.dll to dbghelp_old.dll.

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