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I've been a pretty avid airsoft player for a few years now; I play with a group of guys who are mostly current or ex-military, LEO, or other public service, called Florida Mislim. We use a lot of real small-unit tactics, and have a lot of fun. Today, however, I went alone and played with just random folks at a nice, big field in Orlando. I had some of the hardest laughs that I've had in a long, long time. The games were relatively simple, but watching people running around alone and getting shot to pieces just ... well, I was tickled, to say the least. Myself and a few other guys with RL training put together a couple of squads, and we were (un)fortunate enough to have a few children with us.

I have to tell you gents, that the funniest thing I've seen in a long time, was hearing 12 and 13 year-old kids shouting "This is just like Modern Warfare Two!" and then - no joking - curling up into a ball and started crying when the other team started shooting at them. This one boy was screaming "They're shooting at me!" Another source of laughter was when my team was assaulting a pretty well-fortified position. As per usual airsoft standards, everyone did their own thing, and it sucked. So, I pulled together a few guys, put them in a line formation, and then led them on an assault. We put a hellacious amount of fire on that position, and above the racket of our rifles, I could hear the defenders (again, mostly kids) screaming as we mowed them down. :) Life was good. Until a jerk of a college kid got angry, saying that we weren't calling our hits. He came charging out of the brush on us, but he skidded to an abrupt halt, when he saw how much bigger myself and the other guys with me were than him, lol.

Anyone else play?

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i do, i lead a team of amateurs, never been in the army nor been in another airsoft team. my team and another ameteur team met up, my team stood with two men two women (including myself) and the other team was four men, including the leader, they were cocky ######. they obviously had never heard of tactics and decided to run and gun us. us however all in our red shemaghs and tac vests, took the element of surpise. i prefered using hand signals that day to keep it quiet. but sometimes we do use radios.

we won that day simply because they were too in your face and "oh i'll be okay ive played Call of duty modern warfare2" attitude, im guessing thats what happens when ghost recon meets with CoD

we used digit counters to register hits too (boths sides did)

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  • 2 years later...

Have ever watched JetDesertFox and LvlCap? They got some nice gear and great footage, one of the recent from Jet where he had a ~220 ft kill with a miracle barrel.

(220ft shot @ 2:55)

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there was an old abandoned soviet military base next to my town in the woods (now demolished), a lot of people used to go there playing paintball/airsoft and I remember the best times I've had playing there, now since its gone there is no fun :(

Neither is there a lot of people playing airsoft in my country so its going to be a hard time finding mega sized teams to play against.

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Looks like a fun game, everybody using blowbacks, plus people dressed slightly casual with a vest?.. Maybe playing dressup isnt slightly putting off anymore..

I've seen the Miningun airsoft in the related vids section, totally awesome!!..

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I went to visit my local army surplus for some more rounds for my Air rifle, they told me there is an airsoft club in town, that ive never even noticed under my radar in my ends.. I went to check it out, Might book a game with em next week :)

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