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RIP [F]Gator

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For those of you who knew Gator but hadn't heard, he passed away suddenly in early June. Gator was a staple to the FubarTactical GRAW2 coop server, and I know many of you played with him at one time or another over the years. So I wanted to pass along the information to those that hadn't heard. In addition, I wanted to provide a link to a thread we have over on the Fubar Tactical Website Forum related to his passing because there's some good information on him (from a link that will talk about his martial arts experience in which he had his own style recognized/certified after him...to a letter he once wrote to his kids that was read at his funeral, a very worthwhile read!). Gator was definitely different than most. Usually, it's the younger crowd that's into the computer games and attempt to engage their elders into playing. With Gator, it was just the opposite!

So if you knew Gator, please feel free to visit the thread and read up on him.

Special thanks to Rocky for allowing an exception to post this info in the GRAW2 forum since Gator spent so many years playing GRAW2.

Long Live Gator thread:


RIP Soke Rick Boyer (Gator) 9/28/1939-6/6/2010

Gator Sig: "If your Looking for a helping hand ... Look at the end of your arm."

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This is a sad loss to the GR:AW 2 gaming community.

I have been in touch with TAW_Rahnman and we thought it would be a nice gesture if I was to include a small mention of him in my next map.

I'll add a line of text in a couple of places around the map, something to remember him by.

What do you all think.

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This is a sad loss to the GR:AW 2 gaming community.

I have been in touch with TAW_Rahnman and we thought it would be a nice gesture if I was to include a small mention of him in my next map.

I'll add a line of text in a couple of places around the map, something to remember him by.

What do you all think.

I like it. Maybe you could add his signature quote (it's the very last line in the post) onto a billboard or something with his -Gator- signature?

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I should just clarify that it was TAW_Rahnman that asked me if I could add something to my next mission, I agreed and thought it would also be nice if I was to include a tribute to [F]Gator on the loading screen for the mission.

So all credit is due to Rahnman. :yes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

JohnTC02, Rahnman, JackDoe and all, words cannot express how much this means to me, and to Fubar as well. Gator was very dear to us, and it's been a sad summer with his passing. I can't keep it off my mind.

This is definitely something very special to look forward to (in addition to an awesome new map, seeing Gator's tribute as well). Thank you so kindly to all for your thoughts and support. :)

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Hi buttercupp,

Thanks for your kind words, it must have been difficult for you to come here and post your thoughts.

It was Rahnmans idea that it would be nice to dedicate a mission to [F]Gator, I didn't know him personally but I knew his name as it would always be mentioned if we were discussing GR:AW 2 and the best players out there.

The mission was several weeks in the making and I would like to include a list of all the alpha testers here as they also deserve the credit for making this mission possible.









Apologies to anyone I have missed.



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