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Put a end to Checkpoint Saves!

Checkpoint Saves  

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This has been posted at the Ubisoft forums as well...

I am going to rant and rave here because I am fed up with this outdated, annoying and frustrating horror of gameplay that sucks the fun out of anything.

Last night, after more than a year I decided to install GRAW. I was so in the mood!

After installation and patches I fired the game up and bolted for the campaign. But oh gods... then I remembered the reason this game picked-up all that dust.

Checkpoint saves.

They are a old-school horror from the slot machine games era thats been thrown into the modern day gaming world as a easy way to extend gameplay or as a few of us here has concluded... to make the game more difficult without really cranking up the AI coding - not all titles but some seem to go along this line.

Why in the world do we have checkpoint saves? Don't give me BS like realism. That is absolute rubbish. I would rather play ARMA multiplayer. I love the GRAW for what it is but I am having a hard time swallowing checkpoint saves as a realism implimentation.

Last night I got to a section where the embassy had blown up. I propably replayed that part more than 20 times. At first I was challenged. Then frustrated and then I got bored. It suddenly dawned on me that I bought the game for entertainment. What was going on?

My brother then told me his experience with the Prince of Persia games. He stopped playing due to checkpoint saves.

You know. When I am reading a review and they mention checkpoint saves, my heart does not skip a beat. I'm not lying in my bed at night thinking about the awesome checkpoint saves that will be implimented. I'm not buying the game because the save system is such a great novelty. It sucks, and it sucks in various degrees.

Some would argue but this and this game's checkpoint saves are almost unnoticible. Really? How wonderfull that something so annoying and messed up is almost not there. It's like the DRM argument that some companies layed out - "not only that, you also get 3 more installs for your game!" Wow, 3 extra installs!

Anyway. My point is the system is messing up good games for many people. Not only me and my brother but a lot (some will propably argue this point but I will stay by it untill more people I talk to actually defends the idea).

And also. I love my games but I don't have the time to replay parts into a state of lifeless boredom. I still have a life and checkpoint saves sucks it out.

Just stop it! I hope some developer reads this and for gods sake just let it go!!! It's a dinosaur relic of gameplay from the days of nintendo and money sucking cafe machines that was build to be battered. My PC can't handle it anymore!

Thanks for reading.

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I like them if they're implemented well, but they can be really annoying if they're not. Checkpoints that are spaced out too far or right before a long cutscene can make dying very frustrating as you've experienced. R6 Vegas had a problem where you'd go through a big battle, then as you were moving along to the next checkpoint a guy would pop out of nowhere and shoot you in the back. Then you'd have to replay the whole big battle again.

One of the best checkpoint implementations IMO is (stay with me here) Halo.. The checkpoints are spaced out well and they're always AFTER the cutscene so you don't have to watch it more than once. And if you get stuck at the same point and keep dying, the game will eventually start inserting what I call "pity checkpoints" along the way, breaking it down into smaller chunks.

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Never did like checkpoint saves in any of the games I played and GRAW really ticked me off the way they had them placed. :wall: Quick saves are the way to go. Let the player decide if he wants to be a wuss and QS every step or play it close to the best and only QS as a last resort. :devil:

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I've never played Halo myself. Just watched a friend on his console. Sounds pretty well organised. Ceckpoint Saves after cutscenes is a must. Any game that ignores that simple logic is bound to turn a lot of players into frustrated and dangerous manic depressives like myself. :devil:

Autosave features are great. Sometimes you get so carried away that you forget to save. You know what would be even better. If developers actually give players a choice. When you play some Insane difficulty you only get checkpoint saves. That is reasonable, don't you think? If I then get frustrated and PO its my own doing and no need to bash the developers. :yes:

Edited by Snaphaan
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