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did anyone else get a glitch on coup detat

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well the glitch goes like this, your inserting and you get the headsup from bud and keating (i like to call him specks because he has massive glasses) as to what is going on then the door on the chopper opens and you press x to get out nothing happens so i start smashing the x key finally he gets out, but then he gets stuck in a building and he cant get out, therefore i cant complete the mission. it only happened with my old rig with 6200LE since i upgraded it and gave it some love* it doesnt do it why is that?

kinda creepy thats all. ;)

*= 8400GS (512mb but blaitntly says 256 on the box) blu ray drive, hard drive 700WPSU ageia physx xtreme version

and yes this is the packard bell imedia 1559 im talking about here.

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