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3D video gaming aspires to become spectacle

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The overall tone of the piece is all wrong, that 3d gaming is a new initiative being held back by the expense. Fact is anyone with a half decent PC could play 3d games for little more than the price of any typical gaming accessory years ago. Only difference back then 3d wasn't the buzz word it is today, thanks to the movies.

Eight years ago, I was playing Ghost Recon in really awesome 3d :thumbsup:

Ghost Recon in 3d.

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The overall tone of the piece is all wrong, that 3d gaming is a new initiative being held back by the expense. Fact is anyone with a half decent PC could play 3d games for little more than the price of any typical gaming accessory years ago. Only difference back then 3d wasn't the buzz word it is today, thanks to the movies.

Eight years ago, I was playing Ghost Recon in really awesome 3d :thumbsup:

Ghost Recon in 3d.

Aren't they referring to true 3D though and not a "virtual" 3d that is actually 2d but appears as 3d through rendering? Are you also referring to playing GR1 in 3d because you had those 3d goggle things way back? Explain a bit more Rocky.

BTW ...wassup man. Been a while.Hope all is well.

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I think it is exactly the same thing Cell. The new 3d TV's that are coming out need glasses, and it the same shutter glasses that I used to play GR 3d 8 years ago.

Nice to see you around again by the way, I remember you helping me out with some stuff way back!

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