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Mexbob Journalist

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Coop Mexbob Journalist is ready for release.

My newest attempt at a coop mission.

Converstion of the GR:AW2 Mission 05 Campaign to a coop mission.

This version is probably best played as a SP or Lone Wolf, since there is a limited amout of AI.

There will be more to come later.

coop_mexbob_journalist objectives.

1. reach the square

2. clear the area of the 3 adats

3. defend the extraction of the journalist

4. make your way to the extraction in the park.

5. extract by pickup

respawn points


1. intitial insertion point

2. top of building on the square

3. in front of church in the park for SP

4. in back of church for coop

aprox. 150+ AI

need to kill at least 65 to qualifiy for extraction.

Current version is v3 contains 4 missions.





The sp (lone wolf) version contains less AI than the regular coop missions.

Edited by mexicobob
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CONGRATS! on your first release Bob. I love all the large squad missions that are being made and Lord knows we need them but I can also appreciate having some single player missions as well! This is great Bob, keep 'em coming!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Mexicobob,

could you please add the complete mission name to the briefing file for future missions?

coop_mexbob_journalist_day_v2 instead of coop_mexbob_journalist_day!

We tried to play the mission yesterday and added "coop_mexbob_journalist_day" to our LAN dedicated server file (dedicated_game_info.xml) but because of the wrong mission name the server crashed and deleted my settings.

Could not find my settings backup so I had to rebuild it.

So for us and for users who use a LAN ONLY dedicated server it's important to have the complete mission name at the start.

Thank you very much.......and good work :thumbsup:



Without dedicated server we played the mission on 2 clients with one as server as well but it crashed after objective: 3. defend the extraction of the journalist:

Sat May 29 20:11:33 2010

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

data\lib\managers\groupmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: base in type <void>








Renderer: threaded

Physics : threaded


Rebuild of my settings for dedicated server LAN ONLY has been completed.

Mission started on dedicated server and 2 clients but at objective 5 "extract by pickup" our server crashed with the same error described above.

data\lib\managers\groupmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: base in type <void>

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Just a head's up...we are getting the same crash as kaapo on our dedicated server.

Regardless though, we do like the map, and thank you for your contribution, MexicoBob! :rocky:


Sun May 23 21:55:16 2010

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

data\lib\managers\groupmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: base in type <void>








Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal


Mon May 24 05:49:01 2010

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

data\lib\managers\groupmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: base in type <void>








Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal

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I do not know why you are crashing. We have played this numerous times on the TAW dedicated server with up to 10 players without this kind of crashes. You may be exceding the capacity of your cpu or grahics card.


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Hi Mexicobob,

"You may be exceding the capacity of your cpu or grahics card"

Please look at my sign:

Dedicated LAN-only server: 1.6Ghz Centrino M

Client 1: E6750@2800+HD4870/512+4GB - 22" 1400x1050

Client 2: E4400@2400+HD3780/512+4GB - 20" 1280x800

This was used for HarryLee with 700+1200+1700 tangos and it worked fine with other big maps.

But we use LAN-Only server, means dedicated.exe with own LAN circuit, no Antivirus/firewall and no Internet connection.


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  • 1 month later...

I have tried to fix the errors that have been mentioned above. I never could duplicate them, but have removed some lines of code that were suspect.

The new current version is coop_mexbob_journalist_v3

The first post description has been changed accordingly.


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