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Well I had a few problems getting there, and there are a couple of bugs still to iron out, but we are back with new forums! :D

Many thanks to NYR for the great work he did on designing the skins!

Please post up any issues you come across, and also any new features you discover.:thumbsup:

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Well I had a few problems getting there, and there are a couple of bugs still to iron out, but we are back with new forums! :D

Many thanks to NYR for the great work he did on designing the skins!

Please post up any issues you come across, and also any new features you discover.:thumbsup:

GR Net where have you been?Looks good fellas,ive been waiting to get on here and check it out.Im going to do that soon.

And look,something new to contribute,I think I found those other 4 concept pics that we missed out on.

There not very big,but I have an enlargment on our oun site main page.





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Hey boss, looks good. One thing I did note...not sure if it is happening in the forums, but the blogs are replacing some of the special symbols with incorrect characters? Take a look and you'll see what I mean. Not sure if that's an easy fix or not.

I did notice this affected your blog, sorry about that. I will add it to the bug list and see if we can squash it - it's obviously a character set type issue, we've seem similar over the years and they're never easy to get a handle on - we will try though!

On a separate point, I was going to suggest that everyone tried the rich text editor when making posts. I never really liked it for some reason in the previous forums, but it works really well here. It's a setting in your user control panel somewhere ;)

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Wow!...great job so far. The FS forum page looks absolutely fantastic. Just after a quick once over I've found the following that I want to bring up;

The GRFS header at the top of this page is the business and should replace the header on the home/news page. It's a lot sharper, is a stronger image and will add continuity.

The classic GR target symbol should replace all of the 'thought balloons' as were previously there, and I suppose should now be grey/grey-blue.

This white box I am currently typing in should be replaced with the surrounding light grey colour.

The previous post options of full post or quick post should be reintroduced.

The profiles need sorting out;

My profile photo has gone

What's 'Reputation' all about?

What's 'Member Title' for?

What's 'User Rating' for?

The nice dropdown feature when your pointer is over 'News', 'Recon', 'FAQ' as an example, should be applied to 'Signed in as' and 'My Profile'.

I like the 'Members List' now. But still the photos need to return and the 'Reputation' needs to go.

In 'Blogs', the 'Leave Comment' and date words need to be darker.

Why has Dannik got a profile photo? :rofl:

The 'Add Reply' and 'Preview Post' buttons should be within this 'Post' box and above 'Attachments'.

When you put the pointer over 'FORUMS', GR 2 should be there and GR 1 should be...well...just GR.

'Quick' and 'Full' edit have gone!

Above 'Staff', 'Consultant', 'Supporter' etc. there is a Euro letter!

Where does 'Reason For Edit' appear?

'Vote This Post Up or Down'? What the...?...this isn't YouTube!!!

Does the 'Fast Reply' box need to be permanently open below?

Aren't 'Report' and 'Unapprove' basically the same?


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Is it possible to use the classic green theme still or is that one gone? I just got so used to it after all these years....

If not, no big deal.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and in the drop down box, select GRNET Classic 3.0 from the list. :thumbsup:

OK, I found a bug or ill thought out feature, links not opening in a new browser tab or browser (depending on set up). This could lead to members closing out the tab and leaving the forums when they do not want to.

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:thumbsup: Well done Rocky and staff.

Only one concern is about the "Forums" tab below the main banner. In the context menu the button for "New Posts" does not work for me. Not a really biggy as I can scroll to the bottom of the main forum page and click "Today's active content"

edit: Oops. Noticed the third option "View New Content" in upper RH corner.

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The classic GR target symbol should replace all of the 'thought balloons' as were previously there, and I suppose should now be grey/grey-blue.

Tried that actually, didn't look so good.

This white box I am currently typing in should be replaced with the surrounding light grey colour.

I wanted to fix that too, couldn't get it to change though so I moved on to more important stuff. I might go back when all is said and done and try again.

The previous post options of full post or quick post should be reintroduced.

Nothing we can do, that's on IPB.

In 'Blogs', the 'Leave Comment' and date words need to be darker.

The blogs section still is WIP.

Why has Dannik got a profile photo? :rofl:

He and I are some of the few people who actually have uploaded one. ;)

'Quick' and 'Full' edit have gone!

Quick edit is the default now, you can always click "Use Full Editor" after quick edit loads.

Above 'Staff', 'Consultant', 'Supporter' etc. there is a Euro letter!

One of those wacky character issues between forum version, an easy fix.

'Vote This Post Up or Down'? What the...?...this isn't YouTube!!!

IPB seems to think it is... not that I agree with them.

Does the 'Fast Reply' box need to be permanently open below?


Aren't 'Report' and 'Unapprove' basically the same?


Where does 'Reason For Edit' appear?
Edited by NYR_32
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The classic GR target symbol should replace all of the 'thought balloons' as were previously there, and I suppose should now be grey/grey-blue.

Tried that actually, didn't look so good.

Really? The balloons look too generic and the site looks less GR because of it, unless you scroll up to see the header.

Should the figure 'Posts' [to the left] be the same as 'Active Posts' in 'My Information'?

I like the new drop down feature of 'Insert Link'. Nice and easy.

I like the little profile pop up you get when you click the tiny, tiny icon to the right of someones name.

How's my reputation? Will someone please 'friend' me!!! Will someone please comment on my profile!!! :rofl:


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Great feedback and nice list DS, I'll set about the items that can be sorted out shortly. The to-do list is bigger than I thought though, in fact I'll actually need to draw one up rather than keep it in my head. :rolleyes:

The appears to be an issue with PMs for a small number of members, if they could replicate it and try and post up exactly what happens that'd be a big help.

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The appears to be an issue with PMs for a small number of members, if they could replicate it and try and post up exactly what happens that'd be a big help.
That's a point. Didn't the previous website have a 'Messages' button at the top right of the forums page. I've had to search for my inbox. It's now called 'Messenger' and it's in the drop down you get when you click the arrow next to 'Signed in as...'. I like the PM icon [to the left]. It pops up and is nice and simple.


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The appears to be an issue with PMs for a small number of members, if they could replicate it and try and post up exactly what happens that'd be a big help.
That's a point. Didn't the previous website have a 'Messages' button at the top right of the forums page. I've had to search for my inbox. It's now called 'Messenger' and it's in the drop down you get when you click the arrow next to 'Signed in as...'. I like the PM icon [to the left]. It pops up and is nice and simple.


Yeh I noticed that too, there used to be one click access to your messenger, now it is two clicks away, in a not -to - obvious place. I'll add it to the list :rolleyes:

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Yeh I noticed that too, there used to be one click access to your messenger, now it is two clicks away, in a not -to - obvious place. I'll add it to the list :rolleyes:
There is no separate 'Inbox' or 'Sent' box now. They're all clumped together.


It's called a "conversation" mate :thumbsup:

There is no need for sent and received, they appear one under each other as a flowing conversation.

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It's called a "conversation" mate :thumbsup:

There is no need for sent and received, they appear one under each other as a flowing conversation.

Ok. Does one 'conversation' count as one message or is each message within the conversation counted as a message?


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What do you think?
Aah right. My storage quota changed, so a message still counts as a message. But to now be able to see the messages between each other looks better. I tended to cut and paste to make sense.

If NYR said he tried to change the thought balloons to the GR target icon, but it didn't look good, how about changing them to the PM pop up icon? You could change the colour of it [if possible] for different things, like alerts, warnings and stickies. That icon would add design continuity to the forums too.


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