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Port Forwading issue with Belkin Router


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Okay I've done this before so this is killing me here that I can't forward my ports!!!

I've set up my static IP in network connections, so now I go to the belkin setup page, virtual servers, to forward the ports for COD4 and Ghost Recon etc.

The screen SHOULD look like this, with range boxes for the ports


But no no, mine looks like this.


There's no place to enter the port ranges and there should be a box where I can type a name , like "Ghost Recon", I've done this before!

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What is the model number ?

When you say you've done it before, was that on this specific router or is this a new router that you have recently got ?

Do you have a Tab called "Application gateways", if you do then that should be where you set-up the port-forwarding

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Not this actual router because it's a replacement, but same model.

I bet that it has a newer/different firmware than your old one, so that's why the menu is different

If you look underneath it, what is the Version number on the sticker ? (the box that says ver)

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I think it's pretty much the same. Just specify your local lan IP that you set and then the LAN and public port should both be the same I would imagine since it's coming in on port whatever and stays on that port all the way to your machine. See page 60 of the manual for more details and instructions.

edit: The manual says you can enter a range of ports. Check it out. :)

Edited by firefly2442
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Not this actual router because it's a replacement, but same model.

I bet that it has a newer/different firmware than your old one, so that's why the menu is different

If you look underneath it, what is the Version number on the sticker ? (the box that says ver)

It's 7002uk. I have updated the firmware and it's still not giving me the option to enter a range of port numbers. This is really puzzling.

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Straight from manual (pg. 61)

Entering Settings into the Virtual Server

To enter settings, enter the IP address in the space provided for the

internal (server) machine, the port(s) required to pass, select the port type

(TCP or UDP), and click “Apply Changesâ€. Each inbound port entry has

two fields with five characters maximum per field that allows a start and

end port range, e.g. [xxxxx]-[xxxxx]. For each entry, you can enter a single

port value by filling in the two fields with the same value (e.g. [7500]-

[7500]) or a wide range of ports (e.g. [7500]-[9000]). If you need multiple

single port values or a combination of ranges and a single value, you must

use multiple entries up to the maximum of 20 entries (e.g. 1. [7500]-[7500],

2. [8023]-[8023], 3. [9000]-[9000]). You can only pass one port per internal

IP address. Opening ports in your firewall can pose a security risk. You

can enable and disable settings very quickly. It is recommended that you

disable the settings when you are not using a specific application.

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He's right Pave.

The new Virtual servers page looks nothing like what it was last time I used it, but it DOES look exactly like it says in the manual that Firefly has linked to. I tried entering the port range as two numbers with a hyphen in one box (it used to be two boxes) and it worked, just like in the manual.

Thanks for the help guys that was really driving me to DISTRACTION!!!


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