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Single player mods?

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Having looked at the GR:AW game ?mods they appear to be only for co-op or adversarial. I play only single player due to moving between UK and Germany a great deal. I don't always have a 'net' connection.

I realise the wps mods etc are for all.

Am I correct in my assumption, or can some be played solo?


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Every swinging Co-Op mission can be played SP, as long as you don't mind going it lone wolf (no AI team).

Just Create Server>LAN and have at it...Co-Op or Campaign Co-Op.

I seem to recall that Nutlink modified script in a few of the default SP missions for different outcomes for this title but that that was about the extent of new SP (player+AI team) campaign type levels...Tinker did much the same and recreated a mini campaign for AW2.

Check the D/L Section.

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Again thanks for the support here!

As I said, very often I am without any internet links due to my co-habiting in the UK and Germany(mostly Germany) ! which is where I am at the present, I only have a link here thro' a friend and that isn't always available.


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Sorry, should have been clearer...as long as you are creating the server (any server) no connection to the Internet is necessary, the interface will still function and as long as the maps are correctly located they will display and load, allowing play.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone I'm trying to get my GR1 game going, been sitting on my shelf since my folks brought for me but I have not had a computer capable of playing GR1, my folks mean well but their computer tech skills and understanding of hardware is lacking, not that my knloage is great but I do understand sys specs well enought though LOL

Anyways from this post I take it you can play GR1+GR1 mods as a single player?

If so could you kindly explane to me how this is done?


Kargan(The newbie)

Edited by Kargan3033
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