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Infinity Ward KILL MW2 ... you got to love it.


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Stream confirming no dedicated COD MW2 server support

pod cast Console port lan. (no support on launch)



@ 1' 41" 50sec IW guy joins...and spills the beans.

Cm thread




IWnet host p2p link server


:rofl::rofl::rofl: So sad

I listened to the whole PODCAST and @ 1'39" (1hour 39 mins)

Infinity Ward guy joins the POD cast and @ 1' 41" 50sec he confirms:

Ingame browser is by IWnet, No Dedicated Server !! all P2P

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I don't play it but i can see the PC community for this game disappearing and moving to another game.

Note to viiper: it's 1h 41' 15'', ' is for minutes and '' for seconds. U must recheck what u have learned at school if ever :D

Edited by Big
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I know, that's why i said PC community.

I guess from a developer POV, consoles is the market to go for. More users, less problems with hardware, less problems with cheats, less problems with server since all games must be for low number of players or player hosted, no modding ---> u can make another game next year, DLC to pay for (maybe even games will be released with not many features so the pirating doesn't affect them so much since u have to pay for the dlc to "play"), and u could keep going on with things that are better for a company.

At the end the companies aren't there to make games, they create games to make money. As any other business does. Only some small studies or companies could avoid that definition.

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I don't play it but i can see the PC community for this game disappearing and moving to another game.

Considering that console gamers will fall over themselves to buy this game, I doubt Infinity Ward gives a hoot.

I wouldnt be so sure, there's already a lot of anger at the 'premium' price the games been given with many not bothering to pre order (me included) or cancelling when they already had as a result. How big an impact that will have come the end is another matter but I do think they're taking some dangerous risks on what appears little more than arrogence IMO

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2 player co-op. Where's it all going to end .....


What a joke, thank goodness science and medicine don't proregress like gaming does. :rolleyes:

Some seem to forget, that CoD4 lived happily ever after without a Co-Op at all.

This time they at least included a Co-Op - which is a step forward.

At least for me. I am looking forward to going it, playing through the missions back-to-back with a buddy.

Of course I don't like not being able to play through the campaign with a couple of friends, but I understood why they didn't include it in CoD4 for the same reason - at least this time they created some 2player-missions.

I barely played on modded-servers, so I don't care as much that mod-support won't be there this time around.

And if you know where to look, you'll never pay the full price.

Main-reason behind that will be, to make us pay for the content that console-owners had to pay for with CoD4 and CoD5.

But they are not getting my money for some small things like maps - so I don't really care.

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Yes Rookie but there will be no Dedicated servers so It will be moot to play much as it really will be a Single player game.

Sparta and Others took the Mutiplayer game and toned it down with things like crouch only and ect and had a great time with the game but that will be gone and with being a part of a gaming coummunity we want to be able to game with each other all at once rather than 2 at a time.

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I really think that the coop thing is pretty moot. It most likely wouldn't have worked with more then two people. This just isn't the type of game that is designed for that.

Having to play on a strictly P2P multiplayer system will really hurt this for the PC. I've played COD4 extensively on both the console and the PC and I love the modded servers like the Sparta GR.net where it is more tactical and the game play suited to my liking. I love playing on the console though at times just to avoid the abundant aim bots on the pub servers. My main gripe about the game in general is that a head shot with an assault rifle on regular mode is not an instant kill. I've been trying to achieve all my head shots with the G3 and I'll walk up behind people and plunk them in the back of the head and it won't drop them. The sniping on the 360 is also ridiculous as kids have mastered the quick sniping and no scoping that it has become almost unfair at times.

I don't think I'll pick up a copy of this for the PC and I think I'll wait it out on the console for awhile as well.

From what I've heard amazon.com has lost a lot of pre-orders after the devistating news from infinity ward.

Edited by dporter
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I don't play it but i can see the PC community for this game disappearing and moving to another game.

Note to viiper: it's 1h 41' 15'', ' is for minutes and '' for seconds. U must recheck what u have learned at school if ever :D

Thanks Big :thumbsup:

Invasion of ex-COD players to Ghost recon .net :wacko:

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