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Conspiracy Theories


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I read back at the beginning of the post about the Reagan speech and you completely missed the reason of the speech. It wasn't to suggest there really is aliens it was to say how we would come together as a race and work together for a common good and goal. We would forget about being American or Russian, it would be US together. The alien thing was just to make the point nothing more.

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Good point, Rocky. No idea re: Reagan. As for Carter.... yeah. Does anyone take him seriously?

No one takes Carter seriously because unlike Reagan who lost his mind in private. Carter is doing it in public. The man did do some good with Habitat For Humanity but his views on how the Middle East runs is borberline psychosis. Being he was a President he deserves respect which he received until he started opening his mouth again. Carter had on of the worst presidencies this country has ever experienced. I would say the worst but Obama isn't done yet but he is the worst president ever and we are just waiting for the tally to be done with how bad he rips the country apart

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@DS ... LOL :rofl: ... Manford is great, prefect example to use.

BTW is it me or is Youtube really ###### to skip through where you want very well, bit rusty.

Anyway, I hate to bring this into the mix (but you know me) ... remember that old ronnie and a few are very well connected up top and "placing the idea" of outer attack or another "them" brings the point of reagans speech and oddly enough what Jason manford was saying, we would "all come together as one world" in a situation such as that.

Remember War Of The Worlds back in the day was a psy-op test and that worked pretty well, I think you might know what Im trying to say here (plus connecting the 2012 push).

Social Engineering.

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So the governments & Hollywood and past presidents are all paranoid? (because my point was from that perspective)

BTW that article in the BBC was laughable, I mean they picked the most obvious things to poke a old hat stick at simply to have a justified article for "the other side take a stand". It literally saying, people are fed up with the other people asking questions and they are taking a stand against the people asking the questions as if that must be the right thing to do no matter what, no real balance to it. The good ole left/right divide and rule thing rides again :zorro:

Remember this is the BBC that in a very tiny blog and no more mentioned they didn't have any knowledge of problems when they reported building 7 of 9/11 had collapsed yet it was standing behind the reporter saying this 20 mins before its actual collapse. then the feed got cut while reporting this moments before it actually did happen.

Hate to mention that last bit for fear of repeating old things (which i will try not too)... but to justify why I did, it puts into perspective about the "source" and 100 percent reliability.

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I make's you stop and think :blink:

Already posted here Hammer...and as Ruin would say at this point [errr...for some reason!!!] "Wheeeeeee."


Looks like I'm going to have to share a secret...

It's the "here we go again..." noise. Hence the "Weee!" :D

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Here we go .... :pirate:

I noticed in your first post Rocky:

here's hardly a single source of information anywhere that can really, truly, be relied upon these days IMO

Id agree but I do have to say once you start to ween out sources and see that information echoed back in mainstream and what you were reading was pre-mainstream filter (all be it a different angle :ph34r: ) that's a sure sign that you have got something that's worth knowing & sharing.

The things I like are when a source gives some info of whatever and then also tagged is a list of sub links to back up certain things, that then also sub link ... so you can verify in many areas (cross ref). The places I ignore are "its like this ok ... and trust me its ..." (in a way thats how mainstream works) and no real links after.

Who here that even though they don't buy a lot of "theories" do often see the mainstream as a bit ... ummm ... too relied upon to a point? (IE: never knowing any different doesn't make it right or fact) (an open and not loaded question).

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Sometimes I wonder why news never makes it to the mainstream, or why some mainstream news gets dropped soon after it's aired. One example of the latter is of some ariel news footage taken of scattered debris amongst some houses that was supposed to have belonged to flight 93, but the common views shown since are just of the crater.

IMO mainstream news is selected and for the likes of Fox News, it's selected to attract and retain customers. I don't understand how the U.S. TV 'news' celebrities seem to have so much political power and influence. There's lots of them, they usually talk over their guests [it is their show after all] and they often become news themselves because of their guests or what was said on their shows. They receive huge salaries too. Some, like Bill O'Reilly are a scary bunch. I can't think of anywhere else in the world that has that culture it's almost sinister. It's like having the U.K.'s David Dimbleby or Jeremy Paxman become huge celebrities as TV commentators, drawing massive TV audiences night after night. I just can't imagine it.


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Good point.

Actually I have some PDF's that are 2003, they map out the media and world government and how it interacts ... the pdfs are VERY detailed so it looks like a micro film when not zoomed in :blink:

Here are both in a zip:


Sort of a blue print but then it was back in 2003, that said its worth having a browse over no matter who you are or your views really.

Dont think ive seen a pdf with so much within it :blink::D

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Sometimes I wonder...
Who here -apart aparently from DS that is- is afraid of the likes of Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann, Or Anderson Cooper?

Common sense and qualified filtering is and always has been the answer...no great mystery in that. Having said that, any of the above will always hold more weight than the ReynoldsWrapClad.Com types commonly linked to in here.

How or why they become successful is not as imponderable as to why pro wrestling, soap operas, or Oprah garner their audiences...it is simply attenuation of the frequency to that which you gravitate to.

Again, not rocket science.

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Who here -apart aparently from DS that is- is afraid of the likes of Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann, Or Anderson Cooper?
Who here, apart from NQ, thinks I've stated I'm "afraid" of the TV celebrities he's just quoted? The first one with the winning answer gets to go to E3 with me next year.

Just say it NQ...just...say it...and then move on!


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Perhaps when you included "scary" and "sinister" within the same narrative on these news commentators and their ratings and/or power that that famous English wit -or was that sarcasm?- of yours was lost in translation...again? That must be it.

Your move, DS.

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Perhaps when you included "scary" and "sinister" within the same narrative on these news commentators and their ratings and/or power that that famous English wit -or was that sarcasm?- of yours was lost in translation...again? That must be it.

Your move, DS.

That was incredible response to his excellent point....

As far as I'm concerned, the ball's still in your side of the court, No1/4.

In a Lincoln-Douglas debate your response would be considered forfeiture on that point... just saying.

I also think that the way the news media in the US is run is very dangerous. The White House has MOST of the networks in its pocket, and the public, in general, don't ask any questions of these networks. Fanboyism over networks(any news network) is a dangerous game, especially when they are being censored from high up.

Edit: After rereading my post I want to state that there was absolutely no malfeasance intended. :) We're all friends here. :D

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We're all friends here.

Well I would like to say that no matter what I have no issue with anyone here, it might read that way on specifics sometimes but its far from personal level stuff so no need to mention that, or maybe there was :)

and the public, in general, don't ask any questions of these networks.

Thing is I cant blame anyone not realising this and that would be quite smug to say so. Although in recent times im rather surprised at how many still don't ask. That for me is the dangerous "bit".

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I'm rather surprised at the amount of yack going on in this thread over yellow journalism...as if it was a new phenomenon. It's not boys, of that there is no question and therefore no need to ask.

News Flash...Any of the various news agencys (yes, even MS-NBC) will jump onto and report any legitimate story -no matter how disparaging to whatever entity- if the end result means a Pulitzer or some shiny trophy for someones bookshelf.


It gets deep out there (in here too ;) ) so don't forget your waders.

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Thing is I cant blame anyone not realising this and that would be quite smug to say so. Although in recent times im rather surprised at how many still don't ask. That for me is the dangerous "bit".

That is what I was referring to. The fact that despite what is CURRENTLY going on, people still refuse to ask questions.

@NoQuarter: Well a lot of the time if you DO try to break incredible stories that don't sound possible, you risk your journalistic career (even if they are true). There is a serious risk of being excommunicated by the journalistic community if you don't play your cards the way they want you too. That means that some times you have to hold onto that ace even though want to play it. I doubt many reporters during WWII were talking about all the "invalids" that were being castrated in the US thanks to social darwinism. But guess what? It was happening.

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I'm rather surprised at the amount of yack going on in this thread over yellow journalism...as if it was a new phenomenon.

I know, we all know this isn't, the point is about the subject of the thread and the basis of official to alternative, you will find as proof around here a lot will shut down on alternative unless its pretty much in the realms of what mainstream are pushing, and that's the thing.

Not to the letter, but there abouts.

You have to remember the next generation and then the next generation seem to have that short memory placed in rather well so the next swindle can happen and a new group take it as gospel. So yes its nothing new, to you (us), but not to a majority that are enough in numbers to quash alternative information (shout it down) and be used for situations to happen that are false or lies etc and can get away with it.

I like "Yack" ... dont you? :D

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