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Not enough Memory to complete this operation


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Just out of the blue I have started getting this memory error.

Not enough Memory to complete this operation, close one or more documents or applications and try again.

I get it when doing a simple paste in Paint Shop Pro, nothing more complex than anything I've done with multiple windows open in the (recent) past. I even cleared out my HD so there is plenty (Gbs) of HD space, checked that my 2Gb of RAM is still being reported, and switched off, and restarted my PC - I still get the error even right after the reboot.

A few weeks ago I could have several instances of Paint Shop open all with large images in them, now I can;t even work on one.

Any ideas what could have went wrong?

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I wondered, but seeing as how I have not changed system settings I dismissed it.

However, what DID happen recently was my 60gb OS partition was reduced to only 2gb free because I didn't realise iTunes was storing all my GBs of podcast in My Documents! So I cleared that out and relocated iTunes storage to my Media partition. Could it be that windows adjusted my VM due to the shrinking HD space and has not increased it following my housekeeping?

I'll take a look at that tonight.

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Rocky, I found a fix to your Windows problems - direct 'download' here. :P

But seriously, the virtual memory issue might very well be the reason for your troubles. And then of course there is the possibility of registry corruption which may cause PSP to behave badly, too. Worst case scenario would be RAM gone bad, but as this issue only seems to affect PSP I doubt that this is the case.

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Rocky, I found a fix to your Windows problems - direct 'download' here. :P

But seriously, the virtual memory issue might very well be the reason for your troubles. And then of course there is the possibility of registry corruption which may cause PSP to behave badly, too. Worst case scenario would be RAM gone bad, but as this issue only seems to affect PSP I doubt that this is the case.

haw haw. Having recently got an iphone though, the thought of a mac has (fleetingly) crossed my mind heh.

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Not enough Memory to complete this operation, close one or more documents or applications and try again.

That is the same message the employees here get when they run low on virtual memory. It's fixed when I go into the server and allocate more.

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I set windows to manage to page file size itself (it was preset to 2Gb), but it made no difference.

I launched a photo editor I have though, and it managed to do the copy/paste that Paint Shop Pro for some reason cannot do anymore.

It's really strange that this memory error is getting report now for no apparent reason when I have been successfully doing the exact same image work in PSP for many months.


I installed FreeRAM XP Pro and left it running while I used PSP, then PC RAM usage was less than 50% and the RAM load was 30% and PSP still said not enough memory. I am guessing PSP is corrupt somehow and will re-install it. When I find the disk.

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I installed FreeRAM XP Pro and left it running while I used PSP, then PC RAM usage was less than 50% and the RAM load was 30% and PSP still said not enough memory. I am guessing PSP is corrupt somehow and will re-install it. When I find the disk.

No need for additional software - just hit CTRL-ALT-DEL, click "Task Manager" and then the "Performance" tab - that will show you the memory stats. But your problem sounds like a registry issue. Somewhere inside that monster an entry has probably been corrupted and either really throttles RAM for PSP or just makes it believe it doesn't have enough in other ways. Reinstalling PSP might not even solve the issue, as the newly installed application will again read pre-existing registry entries. Well, such is life on the dark side of computing. ;)

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Not sure if this will help but I use a piece of software called CCleaner, it dose a great job of getting rid of temporary files, cleans out the registry and deletes unwanted cookies plus it's free and is available for XP or Vista.

It has saved quite a few problems for me, so if you are going to reinstall PSP remove it first then run CCleaner to get rid of the old/corrupt entries.

Make sure you have selected the cookies you want to keep in the options before running it or you will loose all your passwords etc.

Download CCleaner.

You may already know about this but I thought it worth a mention

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Did you check Task Manager - Processes to see which programs use the memory?

You may have to check the "View - Select columns - Virtual Memory Size" if the memory usage isn't already shown.

Yeh I did, but there was plenty of memory left. I'm going to try a reinstall of PSP today.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds like paintshop may be copying it using a clipboard in your temp files.

John is close as CCleaner does remove some temps.

Look under

in XP - Documents and settings\application data\ local settings\temp

in Vista - user\Appdata\Local\temp

Remove all files and see if that fixes it. If any are in use, skip them. Hp printers and some perfomance monitors sometimes use the temp directory. Not sure why but disk cleanup and all temp removers seem to skip that directory. It can hold over thousands of temps and even if you don't solve it with that, you will find your o/s will respond way faster after removing these.

2gb left... holy itunes! by default if i remember right, Virutal ram should be close to double your system ram so it is possible that was causing some issues. you did flush the recycle bin right? (@ that size i doubt it would have recycled it though)

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