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ONE thing you would like to see added OR removed

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Change the way you throw a grenade so that it actually goes where you aim it. Like when you are in the ruins of a bombed out building with obstructions all around you and the bad guys are way too close, give us the ability to dump a grenade through a hole in the cover and not have it bounce back and land in our shorts!! :wall:

Like....place the aiming cursor on the hole in the cover and then left click for a full power throw and right click to see some kind of graph or bar counter with a slow count for a little dumper throw.


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If I came to you and said, "We have room to make one and only one more change. What should it be?", what would your answer be?

This discussion is worded to make you select what you feel is the most important, significant change, so only ONE response! Though, if your answer would be "ghillie suit", I give you a pass card to list a second thing. :hmm:

(Is it technically possible for a mod to link this discussion to the 360 section or would I need to create a second thread?)

I know exactly what you mean :P to all those teasing you....

My one thing: I fell in love with the "sensor" device from [GR] and that would be my ADD IN, a piece of equipment carried as a kit option to a max of 3 (sacrificing kit slots of Grenades/ smoke) but it basically is placed on the ground at the players discretion & remotely transmits an indication of close proximity moment (3-5meters max) on to the global map of the team. That is my one thing, not a bigy to some but it added an extra level of tactical play to the RSE Ghost Recon (I hate all this word swapping masking of the forum)

There are so many things like others are basically saying, but the motion detector was great for me, I can't remember if it was an expansion item or a 3rd party weapon option pack that brought it.

Anyway, thanks for asking :)

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Can I just ask something; what's with all the love for GR1? From what I remember it was way more handicapped than the sequels.

You were stuck with "kits" instead of being able to change individual load-outs.

No first-person weapons.

REALLY bad graphics and AI.

The only benefit was the fact there was no "hero" element IMHO.

I would like to see a game just like GRAW on PC without the futuristic and hero elements along with more and varied weapons/customizations and bigger maps.

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I cant speak for everyone but the "love" I had for GR1 was in multiplayer ONLY, without it. GR1 would have been over for me as soon as I completed the campaign. I never would have bought DS & IT.

it has many limits and there are other games that have more balance but as for the sheer fun of the multiplayer games, thats gonna be hard to beat.

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Can't we just smash Far Cry 2 and Ghost Recon together? Is that one feature?


Ghost recon 4

Remove: HUD

Add: 4 large open maps Desert, Temperate, Tropical, and Snowy

Time of day

Farcry 2 in 3rd person w/cover system and prone

Realistic damage with Open world Co-op and multiplayer

driveable hummers / technicals

tank A-10 blackhawk and apache support.

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Can't we just smash Far Cry 2 and Ghost Recon together?

:yes: I agree. Why waste a bunch of time using a different game engine when Dunia already has a ton of possibilities. I hope their not even thinking about using GRIN's game engine. :(

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I want support weapons (M249 etc) that are effective. The support weapons in GR1 were nonsense. Anything more than a single shot and they were totally off target. NO ONE 'EVER' took a support weapon in MP for a reason. Don't gimp them just because they can dominate. 'MAKE' the other players strategise to deal with them just as soldiers do in real life.

Ok I'm cheating because I have two things I need.

GR1 foliage was the best in any game, even til today. When I lay down in a triangle of grass i knew I would get concealment even if the other player was far off. Most games try to be pretty at the expense of consistency of environment.

Man, there was even a sublte shadow on one bush in 'Village' that me and my friend used to memorise because when you stood close to it you blended in so well it was hard for the enemy to spot you. That kind of very very intimate detail in the environment where inching forward just a tad can make the different between being spotted and shot or concealed and getting the drop on an enemy was one of the things that made GR1 so great to me. It made GR MP like a chess game. In maps like Village, Stronghold, big river, Bridge etc we would set up positions then increment our way towards the enemy plotting the path from tuft of grass to shaddow to bush to tree. Even today, no other games allows that kind of intimate relationship with the environment.

But . . when we pass a bush or walk or crawls the sound should be more abrassive and harsh and loud.

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"GR1 foliage was the best in any game, even til today"

um, Id have to disagree. the foliage was terrible. most of it, you had to hide behind it, not in it. it didnt conceal you at all. I really hated it. hope they fix that though. in Operation Flashpoint, you can just lay prone on the ground and from 100yds and even less, you cant see the person. very effective.

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I'm all for using Far Cry 2's Dunia engine, as long as they dont take the Far Cry 2 route of boring, repetitive game-play with ever re-spawning enemies in the same locations ;)

Really ruined the game for me, which is a shame because it looked BEAUTIFUL and ran rather well on my mediocre system.

Edited by Faceman
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Lexis. In OpFlash and other games the folliage is just a floating, instubstantial mass. In reality you can't get in most bushes etc. In GR1 you had to find a couple of bushes and get in between them or lay in the dark side of one. There was long grass clumps or Bullrush type plants that you could melt into.

In one MP game on StrongHold I was the only guy left on my team. I used the silent SR25 in the open plains by the two big boulders and I lay in a triangle of longish grass with the guille suit on and got 17 straight kills before the other team found me. By then I'd whittled them down so used the rest of my spawns to take the match. I think the folliage was great in GR1. I hate the way most games strip it away when you see it from the distance. I never want prettied up graphics at the expense of consistancy.

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One thing that I would add to the series (actually it was there and kind of taken away), is the ease of adding on mods, or I guess making them active in the game.

Currently if you play with a mod such as a weapons mod you have to do tinkering in your folders to active it and then some more tinkering to restore the folders to deactivate it so you don't get booted out of servers. Should just be a simple menu like the original moving activated mods to one box on screen and setting priority. Worked like a charm.

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It'd have to be on the rails, linear gameplay. I love watching movies, but being dropped in the middle of one just doesn't cut it.

Being force fed the next sequence of events just so that some cut scene can be triggered at the right time is just lazy and wrong, scripts should be intuitive not constricting.


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For me my wish is very simple:

Just take Ghost Recon 1 including both Addons Desert Siege and Island Thunder.

Update the graphics and physics to the state of the art and add a good anti-cheat programm!

Same content (especially for multiplayer), interface and control as in GR1 and there is finally the new Ghost Recon game I always wished to have as successor!

A re-release of a remastered GR1/DS/IT Bundle would be the best for me and some others of the old school Ghost Recon community.

Finished my wish :D

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Metatron' date='Jul 20 2009, 03:02 PM' post='542596']

For me my wish is very simple:

Just take Ghost Recon 1 including both Addons Desert Siege and Island Thunder.

Update the graphics and physics to the state of the art and add a good anti-cheat programm!

Same content (especially for multiplayer), interface and control as in GR1 and there is finally the new Ghost Recon game I always wished to have as successor!

A re-release of a remastered GR1/DS/IT Bundle would be the best for me and some others of the old school Ghost Recon community.

Finished my wish :D

Ya, that pretty up sums up what I want Ghost Recon 4 to be, but of course I don't mind if they add a handful of extras though.

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ADD destructible enviroments, as in a tank could totally demolish a whole building. Or if you shot a rocket at a house it would blow up and you could adjust your tactics and change the course of battle. Also for the xbox 360 try to pull off a first person view with the view of the gun. I cant stand how the xbox 360 series has no view of the gun in first person. If those two arent good ideas throw in unlocks throughout the single player campaign, you know? unlock a m14 after 1000 points , the unlock a RIS handguard for the m14 after 1500 points, or grip or eotech or whatever!

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Hmmm...it reminds me of the GR2 fiasco and the build up to GR:AW!


I'll tell you what I want added...actually it's a who...JOHN SONEDECKER!!!


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Metatron' date='Jul 20 2009, 10:02 PM' post='542596']

For me my wish is very simple:

Just take Ghost Recon 1 including both Addons Desert Siege and Island Thunder.

Update the graphics and physics to the state of the art and add a good anti-cheat programm!

Same content (especially for multiplayer), interface and control as in GR1 and there is finally the new Ghost Recon game I always wished to have as successor!

A re-release of a remastered GR1/DS/IT Bundle would be the best for me and some others of the old school Ghost Recon community.

Finished my wish :D

This is all they have to do. Reissue something very similar to the original GR. It's that simple. How can they keep failing this simple plan?

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Can I just ask something; what's with all the love for GR1? From what I remember it was way more handicapped than the sequels.

You were stuck with "kits" instead of being able to change individual load-outs.

No first-person weapons.

REALLY bad graphics and AI.

The only benefit was the fact there was no "hero" element IMHO.

I would like to see a game just like GRAW on PC without the futuristic and hero elements along with more and varied weapons/customizations and bigger maps.

Well, you're correct, but it's also besides the point. Nobody in their right mind is asking for a carbon copy of the original. What I want is a game with the same focus on realism, "tacticalness" and non-linearity of the original. A game that sets out to achieve what the original achieved, only with the benefit of eight years of game technology advances.

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