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Changing Player Health Points

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Someone wanted to change the health of the Ghosts to make them tougher for their LAN games.

I had a play with the files and changed the points in the u_multiplayer.xml as follows and it worked...so I thought I'd post here just incase anyone else want to know/do this.

			   <stats block="damage_data">
<var name="god_mode" value="false"/>
<var name="damage_points" value="300"/>
<var name="damage_points_max" value="300"/>

Now 300 is obviously excessive as 3 is the standard value, but it was for demonstration purposes.

I created a video to show that it works :) In the video I have health and max health set to 300...I suggest you'll want it MUCH lower...but it does work if you ever wanted to do this.


Put the moded .xml in "Local\English\units\beings\u_multiplayer.xml"



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That is cool.

I wonder if this could be made variable? Or rather... if health gets real low... then pick something up to gain more health or stand in a zone to increase health?

Can this be done for the enemy too? Like a sniper in a church tower than must be shot many times to kill? AND... if he isn't shot enough times within a certain number of minutes then his health is restored fully?

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This is a very divisive subject btw...the idea of medics is something not all players agree with...However...

That is cool.

I wonder if this could be made variable? Or rather... if health gets real low... then pick something up to gain more health or stand in a zone to increase health?

Yes, but the problem is that it'll do it for the whole team...I was playing with the idea of a field hospital, where you could all fall back to and be healed...

Can this be done for the enemy too? Like a sniper in a church tower than must be shot many times to kill? AND... if he isn't shot enough times within a certain number of minutes then his health is restored fully?

Most definitely. Easily infact.

Perhaps time for you to have a go wit this one AJ :whistle:


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I wasn't really talking about using medics...

More for some sort of unique gameplay... maybe something where if you get to the top of some very difficult mountain/building you get more health...

or... how about to get to a particular objective you have to cross a zone that decreases your health...

Yeah... I can take a hint. I have a lot on my plate at work (programming) and it isn't easy to spend all day doing that then come home and even look at the computer. Mindlessly just shooting bad guys is relaxing... not fighting with some XML coding.

BUT... I am working on it now... looking for a decent linux XML editor like XML Marker or Ultra-Edit32.

Most of the editors I have looked at are not for developers.

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