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Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed


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Ah I see. But if the server is locked to co-op (like on Sundays) and you get 10 or more people in there, dealing with difficulties is way better than having to observe the whole game wouldn't you agree?

Actually it doesn't support 27 map co-op right now but I am working on making a pack with all of the campaign missions converted to allow that in case we want to try it, sometimes the chaos is worth the epicness of watching 20 + soldiers running into the field all working together.

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Right. Moving along then... >_<

So I finished fixing the dedicated server bug in all game types and missions, and I also threw in a couple of minor changes I had planned for the next update, but as usual there's a boatload of new stuff on my to-do list that is not ready for release yet, so I'm undicided whether the little progress I made warrants another release just yet.

As it stands, this would be not much more than a quick bugfix release, so I'm thinking about maybe publishing it as a separate mod/download, as a temporary solution until the full update is done. On the other hand, this may confuse people even more, so a release as 1.0.0b8 could be the safer bet. Thoughts?

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The latest update (v1.0.0b8) for Ghost Recon: Heroes Unleashed is now available for download. Basically, this is just a small bugfix release that addresses some issues running the mod on a dedicated server. It also contains minor changes to the HUD and some adjustments for projectiles, e.g. frag grenades now have a slightly extended blast radius.


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One of the things I am considering for the next version of Heroes Unleashed is the complete removal of those red and yellow in-game text messages that appear in the top left corner of the screen (e.g. for text chat), as I always feel they distract from gameplay and have a detrimental effect on immersion. On the other hand, some people may rely on this feature e.g. for chatting with their team mates in co-op games. Please voice your opinion in this poll. Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...

First weekend off from work in ages, so it's modding time! Collected and prepped required mod assets and my preliminary calculations indicate that v1.0.0b9 will grow GRHU to almost twice its current download size, with installed size around 9 GB, so you can imagine that there'll be some new stuff. :)

BTW - in case nobody noticed this thus far, in the current version (v1.0.0b8) there's an add-on mod called "Heroes Unleashed - Modding" in the XTRAS folder. It contains multiplayer sets for modders to view all actors, characters, attachments, and weapons currently available, to make it easy to select appropriate stuff for 3rd party add-on mods. Just a heads-up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just FYI, adding a single new unit (consisting of 5 new characters in woodland, desert, and jungle skins) into GRHU including respective weapons, equipment kits, and multiplayer restrictions so far took over 2 weeks of (admittedly limited) spare time, and work on that unit isn't anywhere near complete. So things are moving along, albeit rather slowly, but then again I'm also restructuring many aspects of the mod as I move along, which consumes a lot of time, too.

It's almost frightening to see that there is still so much room for improvement in nearly everything I did so far! Perfectionism is an absolute curse, and I seriously doubt that I'll ever be able to stop working on this mod. Anyhow, I really love the direction GRHU is taking and it is sheer joy to keep chipping away on this. Hopefully you guys and gals will like the next instalment of Heroes Unleashed.

It will once again be the biggest update so far, and as I mentioned before the download and installed size is climbing to new dimensions. The steadily growing amount of content necessitates several major changes in the structure of the mod, and I will try to come up with an overall consistent system for the next release that can be maintained in all subsequent versions, so that future changes will hopefully not break compatibility for any third-party mods done for GRHU.

This means that with v1.0.0b9 I hope to take Heroes Unleashed to a level of maturity that improves backwards compatibility in the future, as I hope the mod will some day be used by others to build their own GR mods upon. Another goal is to make v1.0.0b9 the last beta release, so if things go according to plan, there will be a full v1.0.0 in the not too distant future, which should have most of the core features I have planned for GRHU in place.

All things considered, I think v1.0.0b9 will see the light of day some time in 2013, as the workload for the update is absolutely immense and for the most part the current release (v1.0.0b8) seems to be doing a good job at keeping people entertained for the time being. :)

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I have an entire list of new units I want to add in the future, but as I just explained, every single one of them requires quite a bit of time to develop and implement, and there is a lot more on my plate than just new military units.

But yes, there will be more anti-terror units in the future and yes, some of them will have black outfits. BTW - most special forces units count anti-terror activities to their mandate, and both Spetsgruppa Alfa and Spetsgruppa Vympel are "Spetsnaz" which stands for "Voyska spetsialnogo naznacheniya", the Russian term for special forces. If you refer to Spetsnaz GRU, the old Soviet Russian military intelligence special forces unit disbanded in 2010 then maybe, but I'm not too sure about adding a now obsolete unit as there are plenty of active contemporary counterparts I'd rather see implemented first.

You are of course free to create your own skin pack for Heroes Unleashed if you feel so inclined. :)

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