twcrash Posted October 17, 2009 Share Posted October 17, 2009 (edited) As a player of Ghost Recon I gotta say I feel pretty blessed. You as the community have come up with addons and mods that have keep GR alive all these years. You can say you want your old GR back but I don't think we ever lost it. I mean Frostbite,Centcom,9MS,Heroes Unleashed and now GR Tourney 2009 just keeps the game rolling. If we had waited for Ubi to make more expansion packs we would have definitely been bummed but look at the (here comes one of those big words) Plethora of expansions made,missions,weapons,skins,movies ect. So I think we should just embrace our ol GR and play the stuff people post up. I mean there has to be a mod or addon or mission pack that you haven't played yet. I know there's a ton for me. So break out Ice Breaker or Frostbite or Centcom and play the campaign all the way thru. I am starting this week with Centcom and playing all the campaign missions. Thanks for the rant time. Edited October 17, 2009 by twcrash Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strike Posted October 17, 2009 Share Posted October 17, 2009 Can we just have the old GR back please? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jex Posted November 18, 2009 Share Posted November 18, 2009 Let's start with the most important question: Can ArmA2 be the next Ghost Recon? The short answer is: Absolutely not. And before you hit me with a tirade of counter-arguments I will try to explain my reasoning in more detail. Wow it's been a while since I been here and I remembered my login! Reading the BI forums lead me here and specifically this post and I had to add something because a) I was an avid fan of GR over at Tactical Gamer (of which I can thank the gang for pointing me that way). I played GR there religiously for 2+ years - it was the heroine of video games (I even remember it got on the news and the screen shots looked awesome). God was it adictive and weren't all the +SD and alpha tourney's the best? GR stand as my no.1 game of all time and I doubt anything will ever top it. Oh and b) yeah what was that again (lol nostalgia lane led me away from my point). Of screw it anyway what I wanted to say is that since TG I met a lot of good people and we gamed regularly together on GR that we eventually formed our own group Team Element ( and to be honest, we specifically play arma for GR type missions (and still occasionally play GR). We even make our own missions along those lines and I gotta say it plays out pretty well. It'll never top GR I don't think but then it is a different game and offers different things but it is still pretty damn good. Oh and anyone that wants to come play with us GR style, hop on our TS channel sometime - link on the home page and welcome anytime (hey and we might come drop by to see you guys too). Good to be back here after so long and don't let the consoles win - PC GAMERS UNIT!! All the best! Jex =TE= Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
knife Posted December 19, 2009 Share Posted December 19, 2009 Can we just have the old GR back please? Hail and a brisk salute Gents, Some of you may know me from the "old" days of Ghost Recon and it's subsequent add-on packs, before being usurped by the lowly UBI and made an arcade console product. Back in the day, as we old fugs are more and more heard to say, a man named Zero_Gulf started a happy little band of MERCS by bonkin ya on the head if he thought you were an adult and capable of "playing the game the way it was meant to be played". The MERCS had many incarnations and many that were lucky enough to be a MERC went on to "established" clans...many members of Alpha Squad were first MERCS... but I digress... I have read so many of the laments here (tho not all surely) and I echo Apex's original plea. But what i must have missed being said in my cursory rebrief is that Ghost Recon was the best Multi-player tactical game of its time, and it seems, better than any since. THAT to me is what made GR the best of all lowly apers and pretenders. The solo mission packs and extensions were fine in their ground breaking primitive way but what made Ghost Recon the best was the immersive multi-player. I am sure i am not alone in saying that I made many very good friends, that are good friends still, and i have yet to have met them in person and shared a beer or shaken their hand. It's all well and good to pooh pooh something as benign as a video game...but I don't go bowling anymore. GR was my digital bowling league...I met with my team as often as I could for hours at a time....and always had a fargin good was like it was when i was in the Navy. I'm a nostalgic aging fool, but I'm not alone here in this community. The nature of the play weeded out the kiddies and non-hacks right quick...and I miss that. I am disgusted with UBI and ###### to the extreme at RSE and even tried to get some investors to buy the title and "re-develop" it to its original unstained stature....aint gonna happen unless there is some legal way for Clancy himself to wrest it away from the flag collectors at UBI. Do I have much hope for the so-called GR I do not. As long as UBI wants to squat for MS and quick console bucks and then try to fool US..the people that made the franchise what it was, by porting xbox code ...I think I'll just go hoist a glass, listen to TAPS in the distance and remember that none have lasted longer than GHOST RECON..the original. I guess we could all pull out an original disk and read the credits on who to approach to remedy the problem..but the blue heeler is lookin at me and I'm moving back to the herd. NOS ES GRAVATUS Maybe we'll get lucky and RSE will want to reclaim their good name ...but I don't hold my breath that long anymore. Here's to us and those like us...damn few left. Knife aka 3kilo send a pigeon if you remember when..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stalker_Zero Posted February 8, 2010 Share Posted February 8, 2010 The true Ghost Recon was killed a long time ago. You can revisit it's soul by playing Ghost Recon 1 for the memories. But any future true tactical squad shooters have now lies in the hands of the devs over at I'm still hoping for a miracle. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thales100 Posted February 8, 2010 Share Posted February 8, 2010 You can revisit it's soul by playing Ghost Recon 1 for the memories. Mmm Sniper Cannon anyone ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Made from Meat Posted February 9, 2010 Share Posted February 9, 2010 "there is also always a chance for the one guy to row against the stream, to do something different - revolutionary even - and end up surpassing all less adventurous competitors. " Isnt there also the chance of a huge developer simply spending 40k on using an exisiting modern engine for original GR and selling it to the die hards for which they'd make around 200k? No marketing necessary. Just "let it be known" on this and other FPS fansites. I mean, it cant be that hard. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
[SFP]FUNKILL Posted February 11, 2010 Share Posted February 11, 2010 You can revisit it's soul by playing Ghost Recon 1 for the memories. I am. Almost every day on either DK-F or AEG server. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WhiteKnight77 Posted February 12, 2010 Share Posted February 12, 2010 I found this elsewhere on the Ubi forums: Originally posted by Rhoulette: We're ridiculously excited because this game might as well have been made for us. Weeeeeeee! GR PewPews! The Frag Dolls have sees some stuff about GR4 already as noted: Originally posted by Valkyrie FD: We got to see some of the inside stuff, and it looks SWWEEEETTTT!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sgt. Atoa Posted February 12, 2010 Share Posted February 12, 2010 WhiteKnight Go to the thread below you will fell better as you can see there are other places aside this or the official forums with people that don't like where GR/R6 is heading... GR1 to me is like my first gf I will never forget her but is time to move on between the magic blanket and the DRM for me is game over and we can still play the old one, there are still some moders around pumping new content so we are set I know you like flight simulators Storm of War is in the horizon time to dust off my joystick, hotas, and pedals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WhiteKnight77 Posted February 12, 2010 Share Posted February 12, 2010 Yes, I am looking forward to Storm of War. The good thing is that Oleg's masterpiece will not be published by Ubi. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cobblers Posted February 17, 2010 Share Posted February 17, 2010 As nice as it would be to turn the clock back I personally don't want a remake of the [GR]. There are plenty of games out there that show the way forward for FPS games these days and it would be nice to see a more grown up [GR] with some flashy features built it. One thing I did like though was the old text area for communicating whilst in game. A brilliant feature and one that helped build up a sense of community and made making friends easy, which is a major factor for the keep-coming-back-for-more feeling you always got. Unless you can do this with a built in comms system instead? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BS PALADIN Posted February 17, 2010 Share Posted February 17, 2010 Completely agree Cobblers. We need an evolution of GR not a rehash. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
petsfed Posted February 19, 2010 Share Posted February 19, 2010 As nice as it would be to turn the clock back I personally don't want a remake of the [GR]. There are plenty of games out there that show the way forward for FPS games these days and it would be nice to see a more grown up [GR] with some flashy features built it. One thing I did like though was the old text area for communicating whilst in game. A brilliant feature and one that helped build up a sense of community and made making friends easy, which is a major factor for the keep-coming-back-for-more feeling you always got. Unless you can do this with a built in comms system instead? "Evolution" can't be repeated enough. The thing is, the developers keep jettisoning old features as vestigial without providing a better replacement. That you could get so much done with just 6 commands was impressive on GR's part. But on the other hand, you were limited in terms of kit and environment interaction, and the flaws of the command system became quite apparent when dealing with indoor areas. The more I play GR, the less happy I am with it in light of certain features that I'd grown accustomed to that aren't there. I've said it before, GRAW and its sequel got a lot of stuff right. Seriously, the crosscom in GRAW2 was the best command system in a GR game yet. Its just that the things it dropped from GR (especially the 6-man single player squad, and the 2 fire teams) alongside its AI issues and strange narrative stance overshadowed the improvements it made to the game model. I'm not even touching the red diamonds. Too contentious, and easy to get rid of. Similarly, OFP:DR managed to fix a lot of the problems with GRAW (especially with the inclusion of a compelling storyline that didn't make you feel like Rambo), but in the process dropped leaning/peaking, kit selection or an effective command system (although it did add "fire on my lead" which I can't believe hadn't been introduced before). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BS PALADIN Posted February 19, 2010 Share Posted February 19, 2010 I completely fail to understand how anyone liked the mess that OFP:DR was. But good post apart from that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
petsfed Posted February 19, 2010 Share Posted February 19, 2010 I completely fail to understand how anyone liked the mess that OFP:DR was. But good post apart from that. Its still effectively broken, but I understand that if you play the campaign cooperatively, without any AI teammates, it can be fun. Unfortunately, I don't play online (if I wanted to interact with other people, I wouldn't be playing a videogame that is difficult to play in the same room as others), so what benefit could be extracted from the money spent is rapidly dwindling. Hopefully dedicated hackers will create something like the Raven Shield SDK that was recently released. But I'm not gonna hold my breath. But it did introduce some new ideas, just like GRAW did, just like ArmA and its sequel did. Its just that only the latter managed to retain the good from its predecessors, and its still more of a total military sim than the light infantry sim that I want to play. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MarkAm_i Posted February 20, 2010 Share Posted February 20, 2010 Similarly, OFP:DR managed to fix a lot of the problems with GRAW (especially with the inclusion of a compelling storyline that didn't make you feel like Rambo), but in the process dropped leaning/peaking, kit selection or an effective command system (although it did add "fire on my lead" which I can't believe hadn't been introduced before). Fire on my lead, that sounds like a great feature. Yeah the GRAWs have run backwards/sideways, dive, slide and a much better quick order for the waypoints. Too bad it's only a four man team with no soldier switching. Those who point out that they had more than 4 man coop might consider how everyone but the 4 guys on your fireteam are a nameless bunch, who might as well be computer AI for all of the communication and cooperation you can have with them. Also, no map but that minimap means that you can't complement the formation of other players. Using words to try and do this (even if everyone was on comms) would ruin the experience of the game. GRAWs were like a really cool GR mod. With about the same life span as other cool GR mods. Only for all of the cool additions you got, you lost a bunch of basic stuff that you would never have imagined the developers missing out on. You'd think it would be easy to copy. I mean there's a template right there, just use the best features and expand on them and polish them. GRAW's not at all like a sequel, a mod? Yes. FS? Probably a pretty cool mod, but I'm open to being utterly surprised that it's more. Only slightly though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burawura Posted March 1, 2010 Share Posted March 1, 2010 (edited) Just posted this over at the official boards, after the moderator "Minerva" flamed a fan for making a thread asking for an updated version of the original GR experience for FS: I want to see the original Ghost Recon , updated with better graphics, physics, and sound. I don't care about scifi tech like cloaking devices, or hero characters like Scott Mitchell, or "rambo" MW2-style gameplay (F-16 on legs? please.), and I know I speak for the GR community when I say this. (check out this thread over at link to this thread) New features and maps would be icing on the cake, but you guys need to stick with the core gameplay instead of trying to copycat the popular action games. Ghost Recon is not an action game and never will be! UBI has demonstrated again and again with the Advanced Warfighter series that, when left to their own devices, they fail to create a true sequel to the game that captured the hearts of the true fans and made the franchise what it is today. RSE better be driving this one; an MW2/BFBC2 clone is going to fail miserably. Edited March 1, 2010 by Burawura Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ApexMods Posted June 2, 2010 Author Share Posted June 2, 2010 Sorry, I just had to start a new topic, because I feel very strongly about this, and I think some of you may feel the same way! It is all well and good to talk about every single feature that may or may not make it into the latest family member, but my main concern is this: Will the bloodline of the King be revived? Will there be a direct descendant? Will he, who was once great and started all of this - this web site, this community - be the biological father of the child, or will we see just another adopted son? I do not know the details of what has been announced by the obstetricians Red Storm and Ubi, I only heard the rumors of the EndWar family line being involved, of a potential mixup regarding the parenthood. But maybe all of these are just tell-tales, and once the truth is revealed the land can finally reunite under one common rule. I, for one, am desperate for a new ruler truly deserving to bear the name of our King. I will swear my allegiance in an instant, I will bend my knee to the new Lord - but only if I will be able to see the unmistakably bright eyes of the father in the son's face, only if there can be no doubt about the child's ancestry! And now, to be clear: Give me Ghost Recon or give me nothing! Give me all that it was, nothing more, nothing less - just pull it out of the past and push it into the present! Give me up-to-date 3D models and graphics, a new physics engine, modern sound, the latest AI routines, cutting-edge scripting capabilities - and use it all to simulate reality to the highest degree possible on contemporary hardware! And don't forget the most important thing: Give me all the tools necessary to mod the game in any way I see fit! Well, looking back at this post over a year later, the next installment of the Ghost Recon series will probably not be the answer to our prayers, as it - at least judging from the very few first impressions - seems to move even further away from the original spirit of Ghost Recon. For most of us this does not come as much of a surprise, as Ubisoft seems to take all their franchises into a different - broader mainstream - direction than us die-hard old-school fans had envisioned. I don't feel like pouring more salt into the wounds of disappointment, as tempers have been running high enough on this subject already. So while Future Soldier does not promise to be the direct Ghost Recon descendant I - and many others - have been looking for, I'll try to remain open-minded and hope that the game turns out to be fun to play, albeit probably on another level than the pure no-frills hardcore realism offered by The One Ghost Reconâ„¢. And who knows - maybe Ubi's developers will find it in their heart to add a little "Old-School GR Mode" that caters to the hardcore crowd. Maybe as an easter egg? Another story is the laughable DRM scheme Ubi cooked up for their current releases. But I would guess that, by the time Future Soldier is finally released, either even Ubisoft will have noticed the error of their ways and abandon this utter nonsense, or they will come clean with their true intentions to cancel production for the PC platform altogether and solely concentrate on consoles. Time will tell. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpl Ledanek Posted June 5, 2010 Share Posted June 5, 2010 signed petition: Cpl Ledanek will unlesh: Basement Kra-Cat!!!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightspeed Posted June 5, 2010 Share Posted June 5, 2010 I believe there is a new version of GR coming out end of June 2010 - its called Operation Arrowhead. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ApexMods Posted June 5, 2010 Author Share Posted June 5, 2010 Don't know if ArmA2 will ever quite fit the bill, due to its overbearing complexity (e.g. I don't even want to drive vehicles in a tac shooter) and the cumbersome controls that come with it. ArmA2 probably is a great game once you get the hang of it, but it simply doesn't immerse me like GR does. Even after playing for quite some time, ArmA2's controls never feel natural and immediate to me, and I'm constantly reminded that I'm playing a computer game, whereas The One Ghost Reconâ„¢ lets me forget that fact within minutes of gameplay. But it looks like there may be a new contender. Looks promising, although it probably won't quench any thirst for squad-based play. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cpl Ledanek Posted June 5, 2010 Share Posted June 5, 2010 these guys got something up their sleeves Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BS PALADIN Posted June 5, 2010 Share Posted June 5, 2010 Who are those guys? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NoQuarter Posted June 5, 2010 Share Posted June 5, 2010 these guys got something up their sleeves......for members of the armed forces. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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