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Give Me Back My Old Ghost Recon, Rejuvenated! That's All!

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I know you guys will think I am being 'OT' and a little touchy feely... But to be honest the main thing about [GR] , for me, is all of you terrific guys out there that have kept the interest in *any* [GR] going for so long.

Seriously, I have been gaming for many, many years and seen a lot of games come an go, but there has been NO game that has retained my interest as long as [GR] has - and a lot of that has to do with the community of like-minded guys that have been just as enthusiastic about this game series as I have.

Whatever [GR] 4 comes with - it's the fact that there is community like we have that will make it worth picking up and playing, all the other bits and bobs are extras...

I hope [GR] 4 will be true to the guys who have stuck with the series all this time - because we all like [GR] for very particular reasons and a game style that isn't like most other games.

- In the end it's just amazing we are ALL still here after all this time talking about our favourite game.

Cheers guys - you all give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside! ;)

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Interestingly.................if they just put back the ability to "soul-switch" between the squad mates, it would make even the latest GRAW games better.

I dislike the fact that if my character dies, its game over. Besides, I like to equip my team as I want, AND be able to use that weapon when and where I need. Just a simple thing that means so much.

Maybe its time to re-load GR on the hard drive again. But, does it like Vista?

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TBH theres nothing wrong with old GR, gameplay wise.

Multiplayer, herein lies the problem. Player base is being destroyed by all the other FPS's coming out that have more moddable aspects. To make a game non-moddable is a guarantee for the developing company their game will survive all of a year, if that.

I'm gonna start working on a HK 417 :)

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Hi all thought it was about time i registered and joined in.

BS PALADIN what a great point, not been many games that have kept me up until the sun is starting to rise and GR was probably one of the last.

Hope too see you all in the "newer older GR" nicely put Marcinko :)

To be Fair the AW versions would have worked if we could finish all the COOP games without someone dropping out, oh and getting sniped by an AK from the edge of the viewing distance did kinda take the P***, not to mention in COOP when you split into 2 squads and 1 triggers a spawn on the heads of the other that kind of got annoying too, but it looked pretty........ :P

Edited by Gutterdog
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Hey Guys and Gals,

Longtime since I have last posted, but I fully support the words of the wise. Having an updated game which captures the essence of the GR series would be tremendous. If the game is being developed by Red Storm, that could be a step in the right direction. But to be devil's advocate for a moment, how many of those people who actually developed GR still work at RS? Anyway, whoever ends up developing it I wish them all the best of luck and I have faith that they will get it right this time, they just have to ;)

One thing I hope they take into consideration is matching and tournaments, again, if they make the game modifiable then the community should be able to take care of the rest.


Edited by IrishStout
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Maybe the time is right to go back to the original story of GR and update.

Movies are doing this, and there are a few examples: Batman, Superman and of course the latest James Bond.

Update the story, make it grittier, more intense. Use some of the older maps too. There were some absolutely awesome ones.

A Newer-Older Ghost Recon................yeah, sounds kinda good.

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Backtracking is just what is needed if they intend on finally releasing a true sequel but I don't understand all of these posts calling for revisiting previous maps...not only do we all know them by heart but their design is dated now and I for one would hope to see the levels of any next installment layed out in a more realistic manner, without resorting to all of those bizarre rock formation choke points or blocks, and with a much higher percentage of interactivity with the surroundings -buildings, props, etc.

The new crew would be wise to play (or replay) the original, and update and improve on their design...and with the least amount of input from the Ubi bean-counters as possible, for as long as possible.

More than likely a bridge too far.

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I would agree strongly with the above mentioned posts that an updated version of ghost recon would be preferable. I have to say though, that after the last several years, I'm starting to think that ghost recon is from a place in time that may never be repeated.

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Don't worry guys. I assure you the game is in good hands. :)

Expectation-setting is an art-form. I certainly hope the folks that are standing behind you drafting concept art, doing code updates... or more to the point... making decisions about the game's features, functionality and intent... understand the expectation you just set with that single sentence.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to add my support to this plea...

Yes, all I *really* want is Ghost Recon Redux. Not Future Super Fighter Web 0.2 or what ever they will call the next one in the Marketing meeting at Ubi!

I'm a bit surprised that Ubi really hasn't picked up on the hint - they *must* see that even now the [Ghost Recon] CDs are *still* shifting on the budget label! (I know it's *us* that's mostly buying them! LOL)

And you can't tell me that no one from the development team doesn't come to this forum (unless their marketing and research guys are really that stupid)...So they *must* know what the people on the ground want.

And it's not even unheard of either - look at Unreal Tournament, they just keep rehashing that every so often (updating the title date) and maybe adding a few new toys and modernizing the graphics - and that *still* sells in the bucket load.

No shouts of 'do something different' from the UT fans is there?

Sorry - that descended into a rant...

Bottom line, like it says on the tin - 'Give me back my old Ghost Recon!

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  • 1 month later...
Don't worry guys. I assure you the game is in good hands. :)

Expectation-setting is an art-form. I certainly hope the folks that are standing behind you drafting concept art, doing code updates... or more to the point... making decisions about the game's features, functionality and intent... understand the expectation you just set with that single sentence.



Seconded! :thumbsup:

Pete - my expectations have just increased exponentially! Please don't let us down, RSE! :)

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Don't worry guys. I assure you the game is in good hands. :)

How can we not worry after what has happened to the Ghost Recon/Rainbow Six games the last few years. :unsure: Will the true Ghost Recon please step forward in it's next installment. ;)

Edited by KRP 56
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I was just reading the Ubi FC2 PC forums and there are 2 guys that state that FC2 is open-ended. That is surprising as GR was once that way and Ubi turned it into (along with R6) a rail shooter more or less.

They also stated that it makes the player think. Well, GR had this in spades. Sometimes, I just can't figure Ubi out. They completely trash a franchise then go and use those same features that they removed from games that already had them in a totally different franchise. Make up your mind Ubi. What kind of games are you really wanting to develop and sell?

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Don't worry guys. I assure you the game is in good hands. :)
Not that this quote hasn't already had it's fair share of mileage but...aren't those hands a wholly owned subsidiary of Ubisoft Entertainment, hands concentrating primarily on the console market?

Not exactly a ringing endorsement around here (PC) these days -if you haven't already noticed.



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  • 3 months later...

It just occurred to me that this thread has been in the GR 4 forum for some time, it is the most read and replied-to topic here and yet UbiSoft/RSE still need to ask what we want to see in the next Ghost Recon?!? And no one from Ubi/RSE has raised a hand in this thread and commented (other than one very brief statement by PSecula).

Just to rehash the idea:

Sorry, I just had to start a new topic, because I feel very strongly about this, and I think some of you may feel the same way! It is all well and good to talk about every single feature that may or may not make it into the latest family member, but my main concern is this: Will the bloodline of the King be revived? Will there be a direct descendant?

Will he, who was once great and started all of this - this web site, this community - be the biological father of the child, or will we see just another adopted son? I do not know the details of what has been announced by the obstetricians Red Storm and Ubi, I only heard the rumors of the EndWar family line being involved, of a potential mixup regarding the parenthood. But maybe all of these are just tell-tales, and once the truth is revealed the land can finally reunite under one common rule.

I, for one, am desperate for a new ruler truly deserving to bear the name of our King. I will swear my allegiance in an instant, I will bend my knee to the new Lord - but only if I will be able to see the unmistakably bright eyes of the father in the son's face, only if there can be no doubt about the child's ancestry!

And now, to be clear:

Give me Ghost Recon or give me nothing! Give me all that it was, nothing more, nothing less - just pull it out of the past and push it into the present! Give me up-to-date 3D models and graphics, a new physics engine, modern sound, the latest AI routines, cutting-edge scripting capabilities - and use it all to simulate reality to the highest degree possible on contemporary hardware! And don't forget the most important thing: Give me all the tools necessary to mod the game in any way I see fit!

That's what we want!

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It just occurred to you...now? Really?

Just to rehash the reality:

I doubt we will ever go back to really hardcore only shooters. The market was too narrow for it to be a viable business choice. We would like to be able to please both sides but compromises have to be made. We have some ideas to improve on the situation though - keep in mind however that we want our games to be accessible to as many people as possible, otherwise we just couldn't keep making games.

Aside from the lip service, the apologetic statements and more importantly the latest releases, it should be crystal clear by now that they don't care what we want.

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