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Here's one for enemy AI, can we not have x-ray specs for them? It's so fake (and annoying) to hear the enemy track you with live rounds you while you walk behind a solid wall. Once you disappear behind an obstacle and are out of line of sight, then enemy should not be following your movements. They should probably do one of three things,(1) relocate, (2)scope last known position, (3) scope next likely position. Any of that is cool, xray movement tracking is bad. GRAW get's this so wrong, and just about a show stopper for me.

It might seem like stating the obvious, but we should not be afraid to state the obvious when it is apparently so easily overlooked.

A very good point, and very important for playability and (in particular) realism. There are few things as destructive to immersion as having some idiot AI firing away at a wall or a hillside, because he can see you half a mile away, but is blind to the giant building in front of him. From what I understand, making the AI actually do this is a major task though.


krise madsen

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There are few things as destructive to immersion as having some idiot AI firing away at a wall or a hillside, because he can see you half a mile away, but is blind to the giant building in front of him. From what I understand, making the AI actually do this is a major task though.

Another thing that just occurred to me on this point. While it is extremely frustrating and what you describe kind of takes you out of the game and reminds you that you are playing against dumb AI, on the other hand it can be extremely cool. What I am referring to is when you are behind a destructible object like a wooden fence, and the enemy blasts away at it because it saw you duck behind. Fence collapses, you die.

That happened to me playing Bogie's new co-op map last night and it was very cool, one second the fence was there "protecting" me, the next it was a pile of shards and I was on my way to using another spawn.

So I guess that's one complication, the AI has to figure out if it is reasonable to fire at the blocking object or not, and if I am partially visible due to the gaps in a fence, and therefore it can track my movement.

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So I guess that's one complication, the AI has to figure out if it is reasonable to fire at the blocking object or not, and if I am partially visible due to the gaps in a fence, and therefore it can track my movement.
Lots of work needed to find a happy medium in this dept..here's just two (of many) examples in the :AW series, which highlight the problem.

Watching (via Tac Map) the turret of a MBT rotate and track your movement, even though you are on the reverse slope of a hill and totally out of the realm of visual detection - unless of course, the bots are using a Tac Map as well.


The comic relief of watching Jenkins (or whoever) pump round after round of his GL directly into the prop he is using as cover, getting knocked on his ass every time, and every time getting up, no worse for the wear, to do it over again.


Would be nice to see the basics covered a bit more, and with a bit more consistency - that is before all of the inevitable layers of cheese are added in.

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  • 2 months later...

here's what I think is relevant:

[*]16 or more players (we hit the 16 limt we set on our server frequently)

[*]Open kit selections with ability to set restrictions

[*]All missions playable co-op (ie SP campaign missions - that requires all offline features to work on dedciated servers, which currently is the only reason you cannot do this)

[*]Semi-Realistic weapon dynamics, ie.e damage and accuracy over distance, but within the limits of the smaller draw distance world we are working with

[*]Ability to script random events (we already have that, better not lose it, becasuse without random maps I would not be playing GRAW)

[*]BIG maps. 1000+ meter

[*]Dedicated server actually understands "moveguard_idle" as a variation in AI orders

[*]More realistic AI - no more "instakills" from 150 meters while they are running away, just because some random number genrator sez you're dead. No more headshots at 10 meters and the tango gets up and shoots back as if he bumped his head on the shower curtain rod.

everything else you list is not really that relevant, but I assume that's because you folks are actually playing GRAW2...

Edited by fishmonger
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  • 3 weeks later...

There seem to be as many ideas about how respawns should be handled as there are players.

I miss the respawn options of Ghost Recon and would like to see the options:


- INDIVIDUAL <number of individual respawns>

- TEAM <total number of respawns allowed for the whole team>

:) MadMike

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