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Voltages Question


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While going through my BIOS today, I noticed something: some of my fan voltages (+12V etc) are running lower than what they should be. Here's what they are set at by default:

+3.3V - 3.34V

+5.5V - 4.84V

+12V - 11.96V

Now, my BIOS is Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG (ASUS M2N4-SLI ACPI BIOS Revision 1202), and there is no way to up those voltages. I'm wondering if at all my 5.5V and 12V running below what they should be could be causing my seemingly incurable nv4_disp.dll related BSOD? (being that I've tried everything else to fix it, including countless graphics driver updates, and nothing has worked so far)

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NO, you are well within tolerances ....

I'm an electronics tech (by profession), the nv4_disp.dll BSOD is an issue from Nvidia with certain hardware caused by not all developers following the rules set down. When specs are set they are first set on a white paper which can be changed by developers, hardware & software made out of spec for performance normally leads to BSOD. This especially happens when Hardware spec changes with future revisions.

The Nv dll error is a video card driver issue caused by Nvidia to the OS, it has many posts via google, the most famous one is with the 8800 series where a TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) error occurs (which might not be your issue but it is a big for nvidia).

nv4_disp.dll is the direct link library routine for nvidia to the OS, there is not single cure but a cocktail of answers which if your lucky will provide one to solve yours.

Board voltages are allowed to deviate to a pre specified amount (which I don't have the details around ±3%).








I wonder if your running a 8xxx Series Nvidia card ?

All the best WD

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Didn't your board ship with AI Booster/PC ProbeII?

You should be able to check your voltages against the nominal listings and modify (config) if necessary w/PC Probe II, or for that matter, with any 3rd party OC app.


Were the BSODs occurring before you flashed to 1202?

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I wonder if your running a 8xxx Series Nvidia card ?

8800 GTX 768MB

I'm going to try that unofficial fix that one guy made, the one that closes a RAM hole. I don't know if it's a RAM problem for certain but I'm going to try it.

Had this rig for a year and only started getting these BSOD's since a few months ago, coincidently right after I installed Games for Windows Live v1.2.

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Just played through a few chapters of Gears of War without a BSoD. This game was giving me BSoD's before. However, it did CTD, this time the error did not state nv4_disp.dll, instead it quoted something called 'physxcore'

This happened right after I killed the Corpser (right at the end of the cutscene, just before Gus and Baird run in.) This is my third run through the game and I never got that error before. I will proceed to try out other games to see if the BSoD is still happening, can't try it on L4D because they locked the demo now, I need to buy the full version - something I won't do if I keep getting BSoD's.

If I have cured the BSoD's then it was to do with that memory hole mentioned in one of viiiper's links, not actually to do with vid card drivers itself. But that is a big 'if' - need to do some more testing.

EDIT: Just played GoW through a second time to test it, got another CTD (not BSoD), this time calling up the file 'kernel32.dll.' This was a little way through the first chapter of Act 4.

Edited by WytchDokta
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I run an Asus Striker Extreme & previously had a 8800GTX 768MB OC

I was having BSOD, no resolution even with Driver replacements.

I replaced the 8800 with a 9800 GTX GX2 new 9800 drivers ... BSOD stopped.

This is not a cheap fix but google 8800 series like '8800 GTX' & BSOD

IN my case it was not the PSU as shown below

My PSU is a Enemax Galaxy 1000W so not PSU at the time, but some suggest PSU, as a thought, is your PSU 600W or bigger? which is about the general size needed to drive a 8800 GTX GPU (of course not all the 600W in this example is used or is available to the GPU).

The way a PSU works is by sub division of it's supply lines into modules, each module can supply a voltage at a number of amps giving you the total wattage any rail can deliver.

W= V x A

for a 12volt line in module one for example specified to deliver 30 amps would give 360W

adding all line wattages gives the PSU total ie: 600, 500, 650w etc...


What i'm getting at is the GPU (graphics card supply lines) powerful enough to deliver the watts needed at max GPU performance? if not... BSOD

That is a possibility too.


In my Enemax for example

Enemax Galaxy 1000W


the dedicated LINES for the Graphics card (GPU) is only 492W(41A) from the total 1000W max. Which for me is plenty for the previous 8800 GTX & also the 9800 GTX GX2

best of luck ;)

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No BSoD's to report since after installing that guys fix. Well, until just now, but that was not a nv4_disp.dll BSoD, this was ha20x2k.sys BSoD. That is a Creative file associated with X-Fi. Many people get that error with certain game. They have found that if they turn of EAX, the BSoD goes away. It makes sense - with the first lot of BSoD's I was having (when I first getting BSoD's on this rig), Windows error report came back saying it seems like an audio driver problem. Then the BSoD's turned into nv4_disp.dll only problems (after changing sound) drivers. I'm going to see if this 'disable EAX' technique will stop the CTD's. The ha20x2k.sys BSoD has been identified as a common problem with nForce 4 boards and X-Fi, both of which I possess.

My PSU is a 600W or a 620W, I can't remember which exactly.

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LOL Audio driver :D I have that too when using Teamspeak with XiFi, IF I transmit for around 2 mins (mic pushed) I go BSOD as if the buffer in the Xifi floods.

Good to hear your well now (BSOD) :rofl:

From nVidia, a reply to a WoW user getting the same error: Some users have reported blue screen crashes (nv4_disp.dll) while playing World of Warcraft with GeForce 8800 based graphics cards on Window XP operating system. Setting in-game multisampling to "1x" or "2x" appears to eliminate this issue in the majority of reported cases. To restore higher level multisampling, please use driver version 158.22 or higher.

I had 16XQ CSAA and got a nv4_disp.dll BSoD in L4D just a moment ago. I then played it again, with 2xMAA and no BSoD this time - the game just locked up instead!! It gives me no Windows error box or BSoD telling me what the deal is. I would guess audio because it happened as I was firing the pistol (although I'd already fired it like 100+ times before that without any problem.) Also, fastwrites were off when the BSoD happened, and on when the lock-up happened.

Is there a way I can disable the OpenAL audio thing outside of games? Can't see a setting for EAX in L4D.

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Is there a way I can disable the OpenAL audio thing outside of games? Can't see a setting for EAX in L4D.

I'm no expert with Open GL, I'd have to say no, but if you default to 2 channel stereo then Maybe, by disabling the Open gl driver by selecting generic or software only. Every game is different in audio control. With Xifi you have HARDWARE EAX & GENERIC. Wave, direct sound & 8 bit modes on some.

The disable is in the OS so the software/ game can not see it... (trick)

only a guess.

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I'm still getting CTD's in games that were previously giving me BSoD's. Still, a CTD is better than a BSoD I guess. The odd thing is, Left 4 Dead doesn't give me an error report so I don't know what is causing the CTD. I had lowered all graphical settings this time round too, and still CTD. nVidia control panel has all setting set to 'application controlled'

Bioshock does the same; I have Bioshock on Steam. It seems that all my games on Steam are not giving an error report, they just CTD, whereas all my games on GFWL do give me an error report with the CTD. I wonder if this is sound related after all? What you say guys? Maybe I've got too much stuff running in the background, although I do not notice any lag.

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