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Dead Space Perspective


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Well, I'm drug down a bit after watching a vid or two of this thing I was even considering it over FC2 til I realized it is 3rd person only...it seems like a cool twist on the DOOM3 theme but just how intense is the horror when you're watching someone else getting mauled by a booger? Opposed to having it coming right at you that is....oh well...I guess FC2 it is....though I'll miss the trigens and dancing with Fat Boys...do any lions get after you? :)

mig :ph34r:

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The camera is close enough to your character, and also, it's in head level not above. I think it works fine, even in third person - I certainly can't just sit calmly and watch my character getting mauled by those things. Though DS is more of an action game than horror, but it has great atmosphere.

I personally would suggest getting this over Far Cry 2, but mostly because I think FC2 is complete crap (the single player, at least).

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My bro has it on Xbox. Just shooting those things in the chest won't work. You'll need to blow their limbs them to kill them fully. Then, some of them can regenerate limbs. There's annoying little spider things too that go around in massive swarms, which is where the [seemingly underpowered] flamethrower comes in handy. IMO, the gore is a bit over the top - stamp on a dead body and their leg flies off.... oooookaaaaay.....

Edited by WytchDokta
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IMO, the gore is a bit over the top - stamp on a dead body and their leg flies off.... oooookaaaaay.....

Well we both don't know how the Alien lifeform changes the human body - maybe it is more "soft" than before. Besides you can't really aim when you stamp - maybe you hit their legs, I don't know - but all that happened for me so far is a massive blood splatter in the air.

What we both do know is, that it has to be like this, because this makes the kills more satisfying, after one of those buggers scared the poo out of you, you want to see it bleed - it is in our nature. :rofl:

The Third Person really works brilliantly in this game. Personally I think first person would not work as well in that game. It feels different in a good way to see "me" walking around there and this way they had the chance to keep any HUD off the display only until you open your inventory or messages are being shown - the HUD-system in this game is incredible.

Also a huge plus is the length of the game. 12 chapters, each a bit over an hour long (for me on the PS3 at least). That doesn't work for any horror-shooter because they get boring fast, but in that case it does. Everytime you would start to think "something different could happen again" it does. Not every corridor looks the same.

They added just the right amount of things to make Dead Space different from the previous games in this genre - e.g. the ability to upgrade your suit and weapons. Also the sound and the soundtrack itself create an atmosphere far beyond. When you are walking around in Space in a vacuum the sound is barily there and you don't hear them come near you. Also the way the story is told is very good, it never gets boring listening to those audiologs and videomessages because of brilliant voice-work and nice animations. Not to mention the animated movie "Dead Space - Downfall" they created to tell the story before your arrival. I ordered it with the game and watched it right before start playing - makes it all more "real", when you just watch things happen and the next second you are in there, recognizing places in the ship and knowing what they where trying to do - that conflict you know what the crew of the ship did and upon your arrival you are about to change everything they fighted for - but you don't know it.

Every mistake Doom 3 made, Dead Space does not make.

Far Cry 2 is a game people will have forgotten pretty fast, but Dead Space now came along, when this genre was about to die out (maybe until F.E.A.R. 2 is coming but who knows if the devs can get to F.E.A.R. again) and it shew up in a way, that will make it a reference in that genre for a long time. You are the vulnerable engineer, basically just like yourself - no Ubersoldier able to move at hyperspeed or marine knowing how to handle yourself in these situations.

Everytime Isaac screams or breathes heavily in Dead Space it gives me the feeling, that he is just that more like me. Wanting to get off this ship and gets scared just as easily as I do.

Third person is no big deal for people used to first person (I am a FPS-gamer) - all you have to like to enjoy Dead Space is: an awesome atmosphere, incredible soundtrack, innovative changes (e.g. HUD), gore, upgrade-possibilities that fit in and a story in which you feel with the main-character. Only negative I can think about is the lack of variety in enemies. There are different types but the majority you know after a few chapters.

Darn, that more turned into a propaganda-review than just a short comment on Third Person. :lol:

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thanks for the info guys...pretty much the posetives you guys are stressing are things I saw in the vids that drew me in...plus a mention of 0 gravity envs.. they mentioned shearing off limbs and using em against in some overviews.and I love a good audio aspect...thanks for the insights to FC2 as well....so I'll wait til it is really cheap...still I REALLY HATE THIRD PERSON and have very limited funds so w/o these new releases guess I'm in limbo until F.E.A.R.2, feets never failed me there...love all those episodes...

mig :ph34r:

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Watch out for the humanoid enemies with bulging bellies. DO NOT shoot them in the belly, that is, unless you want to be bitten to death by a massive swarm of those tiny arachnid things. There's even bigger guys that will appear to be dead once you've killed them, then they start having a fit on the floor as they regenerate the limbs you just blew off them.

I don't know how the gore is on the PC, but when we were playing on Xbox, you could make various limbs fly off a dead body by stamping on the body. We managed to make arms, legs and heads fly off by repeatedly stamping on dead bodies. Now, I know the guy is wearing metal boots, but the soles do not contain blades. The soles are effectively blunt objects and hitting some-one with a blunt object could at the most smash their bones, but it wouldn't make limbs fly off like a bladed object would.

Certain aspects of the game remind me alot of Bioshock.

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Well, there is no point in looking for realism in a game, where you can slow down and move objects with little addons added to your suit. Besides Isaac is an Engineer with a suit(you can upgrade) designed to work in a hostile enviroment - lots of armor so who knows how much force is being created when he stomps full power on the ground with these big-ass shoes and god knows how much weight on his leg.

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lots of armor so who knows how much force is being created when he stomps full power on the ground with these big-ass shoes and god knows how much weight on his leg.

Bit like the armour in Gears of War - you walk into a big enemy (General RAAM or Berserkers or Boomers, who incidently are wearing less armour than you) very slowly and you get instagibbed, yet their ranged weapons do not kill you in one hit. Quite frankly, the way I see it is that there is realistic, there is not realistic and there is taking the ######.

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