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Blue Screen Error At Startup


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Dell Latitude LS

500 mhz

64 or 128 mb memory PC100 (cant remember which one I have in there)

OS = Windows xp

20 GB Travelstar HD


At startup it loads to the windows emblem with the scrolling green bar at the bottom then goes black, then a blue screen with the following error on it:

STOP: c0000218 (Registry File Failuer)

The registry cannot load the hive (file):


or its log or alternate.

It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.

Beginning dump of physical memory

physical memory dump complete.

Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further


Since I didn't have any files on it I tried a fresh install of the OS and that didn't help. Still get the same error.

Any ideas besides getting a laptop from the current decade? Thanks in advance.

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Yeah, I'm thinking it's hard drive related. I took it out and there was something rattling around when I moved it. Before it gave out the HD made a bunch of clicking noises as well.

It's not too bad to get a replacement. 20 gig HD to replace it is only $30 or so online. I might also look at upgrading the memory as well.

There's only one slot for RAM but I can upgrade to 256 (I checked the ram last night and it's 128). I had to take the keyboard off to get to the ram slot.

Thanks for the help guys.

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The "clicking noise" thing in a running drive is usually a strong indication that the drive is about to fail -- The sound you hear is the head being rapidly retracted and seeking back to where you were trying to read data from as a result of it being unable to read data the first time (it's basically a quick self-reset of the system the controls the position of the head).

It sounds to me like the small investment in a replacement drive is probably a good plan.

Best of luck!

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