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Server Crash Issues

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Hello All,

I am totally new to running a GRAW 2 server and am having some crash issues. This may be inherent to the game but just want to confirm with the experts.

Currently I have a 12 man server at Clanwarz. We mostly play Coop maps. The Name of the server is "The Barking Spider'.

Below is a report of the "Out of memory allocating..." errors. Appreciate if anyone can advise on how to eliminate or minimize if at all possible. This error as it get real annoying when you are trying to complete the map as you are probably aware.

Thanks Again


Wed Aug 27 05:16:56 2008

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

Out of memory allocating 1866436 bytes

Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal


Wed Aug 27 22:55:09 2008

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

Out of memory allocating 368680 bytes

Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal


Thu Aug 28 01:20:47 2008

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

Out of memory allocating 553020 bytes

Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal


Thu Aug 28 06:29:50 2008

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

Out of memory allocating 6299212 bytes

Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal


Thu Aug 28 10:48:21 2008

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

Out of memory allocating 1866436 bytes

Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal


Thu Aug 28 17:27:18 2008

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

Unhandled exception - access violation


??? (???) : ???

graw2_dedicated (???) : ???

??? (???) : ???










Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal


Thu Aug 28 21:42:51 2008

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

Out of memory allocating 1866436 bytes

Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal


Fri Aug 29 01:04:48 2008

Crash in application version: 30899.3048

Out of memory allocating 1244292 bytes

Renderer: threaded

Physics : normal

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a problem with how the dedicated server app was coded by GRIN/UBI. Adversarial modes don't exhibit the memory leak as bad. Coop is horrible and notorious for it.

Stuffing as much RAM as possible into the dedicated server PC helps (more time before you run out of RAM), but there is no real fix.

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This is for Win 7 and Vista users (XP not tried). After troubleshooting memory crashes with the dedicated server I found that memory wasn't being managed and the size of memory allocation grew until the server would crash. Monitoring the task manager will show you how much memory is being used for the graw2_dedicated.exe and ideally it should be in the 500mb range but it was growing to the 1gig range then crash. Found running on a single core computer the memory usage was good and no crashing do to memory. Problem is the machine I run it on is a dual core processor and it doesn't like it. Went to bios and turned off multi-core processor and ran the server and everything ran as advertised with good memory control. So the multi-core seems to be the issue with the memory. The solution was I turned the multi-core back on and used the article below on the graw2_dedicated.exe with success. Follow the directions and hopefully you will have sucess also.


(Confirmed to work with XP)

Edited by BioTek
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  • 3 months later...

This is for Win 7 and Vista users (XP not tried). After troubleshooting memory crashes with the dedicated server I found that memory wasn't being managed and the size of memory allocation grew until the server would crash. Monitoring the task manager will show you how much memory is being used for the graw2_dedicated.exe and ideally it should be in the 500mb range but it was growing to the 1gig range then crash. Found running on a single core computer the memory usage was good and no crashing do to memory. Problem is the machine I run it on is a dual core processor and it doesn't like it. Went to bios and turned off multi-core processor and ran the server and everything ran as advertised with good memory control. So the multi-core seems to be the issue with the memory. The solution was I turned the multi-core back on and used the article below on the graw2_dedicated.exe with success. Follow the directions and hopefully you will have sucess also.


(Confirmed to work with XP)


Thank you for taking the time to figure out the issue and posting this message for the rest of us!!! I will send it to the server company I use and see if they can make those modifications. Will advise if they were able to do it and it it worked for us!!!!

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