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Gr Mods On Dvd


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I've just finished housekeeping the Custom Ghost Recon 1 Campaigns section of our Ghost Recon downloads. There's 72 custom mission packs for download, that's a few kilobytes under 4 Gigabytes in total! That amounts to an amazing 415 individual missions!

Some of those were found lurking on my hard-drive so there might be some in there even the most die hard Ghost Recon veterans may not have seen before.

I've already been asked to provide these on a DVD, which I will do at cost only (i.e. the cost of the DVD, packing and shipping) - as long as I'm not drowned by a mountain of requests. If that's is of use to anyone, just drop me a PM.



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man...i knew i shouldn't have gotten rid of GR. Here I am stuck with no bandwidth (700ms ping time in Counterstrike) and nothing to play. I might have my wife get it from Wal-Mart and send it to me...I think I saw it for 10.00...then I might take you up on that DVD offer. <_<

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I maybe should have done this earlier, but I really had no concept of how many fans actually had difficulty in downloading large quantities of mods until I got requests lately. They are going to make a nice collection though - next up is the Full Conversion category!

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I maybe should have done this earlier, but I really had no concept of how many fans actually had difficulty in downloading large quantities of mods until I got requests lately. They are going to make a nice collection though - next up is the Full Conversion category!

i would be interested in that one too! how about a dvd with all the mod making tools and tutorials? :D

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just a question im sure its covered by you, but this will include all the mod patches right ;) thx

:thumbsup: The very latest version of each mod, plus any patches, also the archived old versions in a few cases.

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Big thanks, Rocky - helluva lot of hard work there!!

Oddly enough, I found a reference to Long Haul just a few weeks back and was wondering about it - Afghanistan Chaos too -

(Out of interest, is there a maximum weight of mods that can sit in GR's folders before it says "enough already"? Sure I've heard something like that somewhere, but can't remember...)

Thanks again!!


Edited by TheoRetiKule
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I had another idea today that will really be the icing on the cake, it'll take a wee bit of work so I'm going to wait until I have actually achieved it before announcing, but this will be very handy for anyone who has one of these disks. I wish I done this earlier!


wow not seen that piece of art work for a while :whistle:

Yep. For anyone that doesn't recognise it, that cover is from CENTCOM :thumbsup:

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