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[is "breath holding" feature on PC version?]

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Ok. To my eternal shame and damnation, I've only now had the opportunity to install GRAW 1 PC. Yes. Boo! Hisss!! I know. Well, the thing is, I ran into a little problem.

See, before I purchased and play the PC version, I gave it a go on the X-Box 360. It was fun. When I bought the PC version, I noticed a wealth of differences. One of which is the aiming element. The PC version is better, methinks, allowing player to realistically use the attached optics to aim.


I noticed that a "breath holding" feature that stabilizes your aim is available in the XBox. To my consternation, the feature does not seem to be available at the PC version, making aiming while kneeling problematic at best. The CCO's reticle, for instance, moved all over the place, making shots impossible.


Am I just stupid and such a feature DOES exist in the PC version, and I just don't know it? Or is it intentionally made that way? With the CCO moving all over the place?

I'm sorry if my question was discussed before, but I searched the forum and couldn't find an answer.


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No, there isn't a binding for breath-holding, just the standard dispersion bars or dots. There is no fatigue penalty- contrary to the manual- but quick movements or changes of axis will affect accuracy until it settles.

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I think I know the problem now. It seems to be memory. I tried going prone and activating the zoom/aim, bringing my CCO up. After about 15 minutes of lying completely still, the CCO was still going all over the place.

From another thread, it seems to me that for the optical sights to be really useful, one has to have at least 2GB of memory. Which is weird, as the box specifies that the minimum requirement is 256mb. I have 512mb. I guess I have to increase my memory then.

Does this sound about right?

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From another thread, it seems to me that for the optical sights to be really useful, one has to have at least 2GB of memory. Which is weird, as the box specifies that the minimum requirement is 256mb. I have 512mb. I guess I have to increase my memory then.

Does this sound about right?

I believe the 256mb minimum is a video card requirement, not system memory. GRAW1 PC's system RAM requirement is 1GB, and though the game runs with less, the reticule bounce is one very specific problem to systems with less than a gig installed. Going higher than 1GB of system memory will improve overall performance, but 1GB should solve the aiming issue.

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I think from your description that you are having the exact same issue I had at first. Someone from GRIN commented that the reason for the ret bounce was that the game needs a full gig of RAM to preload all the animations, and less than a gig meant some animations wouldn't work.

The sniper scope was the most obvious, from the posts about this issue here and at other sites. Going from 512 to a gig fixed it immediately, for everyone affected, from what I have seen and experienced with my own install.

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Ubi was playing it fast and loose with their listings for Minimum/Recommended System requirements, and at release even these varied depending on what side of the pond you were on...for the U.S./N. American market the system RAM requirement was listed as 1024MB, whereas the E.U./ROW versions stated 512MB.


One thing to keep in mind if you have a GeForce card and plan on adding memory...more is better; NVIDIA 6/7xxx series GPUs' are prone to a video bottleneck (freeze) during heavy activity or trigger points.

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