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New coop map "coop snipers"

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I finaly get it done,it's been a long time I'm working on this one you know that I cannot put that much time on modding...but I know that some of you will be happy to try this one out :)...

The last time I have test it alone and it didn't crashed but some snipers maybe hard to find be patient cause you need to killed them all(213)to end mission...


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Got some Problems at 3rd Part of the Mission (Hunt Them).

data\lib\managers\instancedescriptionmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: clear_all_weapon_slots_except in type <void>






I dont know where the Problem is ..

I testet several times and got alway a \data\lib\units\ ... Error ..

Maybe the Mission need some Fixing?

.. Greets . . Twix ..

Edited by Twix
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Got some Problems at 3rd Part of the Mission (Hunt Them).

data\lib\managers\instancedescriptionmanager.dsf(-1): cant find member: clear_all_weapon_slots_except in type <void>






I dont know where the Problem is ..

I testet several times and got alway a \data\lib\units\ ... Error ..

Maybe the Mission need some Fixing?

.. Greets . . Twix ..

I got several crashes before and some seems to be random; the 2 last time I tested it with no crashes I killed all 213 ennemies and game end...things seems to be worse since last patch...All I can say is that I'm very tired of it...I pass more times testing and solving crashes than going on with new project...patch 1.5 is a patch(CRAP) that solves nothing for my side(rate of fire and chat in game is not fixed).



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Well we ALL appreciate the very hard and very good work you have done with this game. It is just amazing.

It is so true that it is the modders that keep games alive in spite of the what crap you have to work with.

Not fixing the rate of fire bug is total BS!! And the last patch was just garbage. Basically worthless. A new machine gun and a shot gun. Woo hoo!! Big deal! They also gave us a new map that crashes. Oh yeah.. a new map where you have to destroy the tank with C-4. What kind of crap is that? Basically makes it impossible to play the map by yourself. Why is it so hard to add RPG's? If you don't want to us them, great! But it should be an option.

But I am very discouraged to see how discouraged YOU are because its the awesome modders like YOU that make this game worthwhile. It's the modders like YOU that really keep the spirit of "Ghost Recon" alive.

Thank you very much for all you have done.


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Well we ALL appreciate the very hard and very good work you have done with this game. It is just amazing.

It is so true that it is the modders that keep games alive in spite of the what crap you have to work with.

Not fixing the rate of fire bug is total BS!! And the last patch was just garbage. Basically worthless. A new machine gun and a shot gun. Woo hoo!! Big deal! They also gave us a new map that crashes. Oh yeah.. a new map where you have to destroy the tank with C-4. What kind of crap is that? Basically makes it impossible to play the map by yourself. Why is it so hard to add RPG's? If you don't want to us them, great! But it should be an option.

But I am very discouraged to see how discouraged YOU are because its the awesome modders like YOU that make this game worthwhile. It's the modders like YOU that really keep the spirit of "Ghost Recon" alive.

Thank you very much for all you have done.


I did put an RPG in coop_retrieve and I also fixed GRIN script best I could but it's still crashing...You see what is disapoint me the most is that I have more issues than ever and it's cause of the last patch...sry mate sometimes I get very mad about it and it make me said bad thing about the game and there concepter...I'm not an easy quiter but sometimes I NEED TO SCREAM LOUD :)...

Try this for me:


Edited by Rpghard
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Well we ALL appreciate the very hard and very good work you have done with this game. It is just amazing.

It is so true that it is the modders that keep games alive in spite of the what crap you have to work with.

Not fixing the rate of fire bug is total BS!! And the last patch was just garbage. Basically worthless. A new machine gun and a shot gun. Woo hoo!! Big deal! They also gave us a new map that crashes. Oh yeah.. a new map where you have to destroy the tank with C-4. What kind of crap is that? Basically makes it impossible to play the map by yourself. Why is it so hard to add RPG's? If you don't want to us them, great! But it should be an option.

But I am very discouraged to see how discouraged YOU are because its the awesome modders like YOU that make this game worthwhile. It's the modders like YOU that really keep the spirit of "Ghost Recon" alive.

Thank you very much for all you have done.


I did put an RPG in coop_retrieve and I also fixed GRIN script best I could but it's still crashing...You see what is disapoint me the most is that I have more issues than ever and it's cause of the last patch...sry mate sometimes I get very mad about it and it make me said bad thing about the game and there concepter...I'm not an easy quiter but sometimes I NEED TO SCREAM LOUD :)...

Try this for me:


I am sure if it came to that matey, many members would be glad to send funds to carry your work on as there are not too many like you out there pushing out these maps and mods.

Dont lose heart with this as your work would be greatly missed in the community, and I for one can probably speak for the community when I say that I have played many of your maps and they are damn hard (which is good) and well thought out.

Everybody needs to let off steam sometimes. In the gaming world........you are not alone.

Stick with it, just slow down if you have to as your work is worth waiting for.


Phoenix Soldier (PXS) :thumbsup:

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Snipers started off smooth, starting area wasn't overly crowded and I made it into the train station alive and started clearing the parkinglot. Unfortunately, 3 straight times, parkinglot is not completely clear and I get transported out into the middle and die an ugly death.(would play much nicer for the solo type if transporter wasn't used--had same problem with estrada which played extremely nice until the end---is it possible to comment out transporter function without messing up mission?--if so I'll unbundle and give it a try). Next step, give godmode a try and see how rest of mission plays out. Did godmode 2 times--no crashes (used no mods other than tweaks done by myself)--got 212, couldn't find the last sneaky guy. Wished you hadn't blocked off a couple of my favorite climb high places, but I can live with it. No tanks, thanks very much. I found the ai timing to be very good, they came in waves, not all at once. Very doable, even if solo, as long as one goes slow and scans high as well as low. Also, snipers in high postions was not overdone, more enemy on ground than up high--well done. If you need to, take a step back, relax, but stay with us, would love to have a few more coop maps from you, you're all there is now, outside of team vs team maps, which I don't play. I've messed with the editor enough to know your frustration.

I'll give retrieve a try later today and get back to you tomorrow. Thanks for your efforts sir.

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RPG, retrieve ran smooth--no hiccups. I see you changed ranks file to quarry so folks wanting rpg could have it.

Did comment out--snipers mission-- of the teleport into parkinglot. Mission ran smooth. Finally found that last sneaky guy--was crouched low by a corner far below him shooting up the street-kept hearing some noises from high above. Had to relocate a block away to get good shot on him.

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RPG, retrieve ran smooth--no hiccups. I see you changed ranks file to quarry so folks wanting rpg could have it.

Did comment out--snipers mission-- of the teleport into parkinglot. Mission ran smooth. Finally found that last sneaky guy--was crouched low by a corner far below him shooting up the street-kept hearing some noises from high above. Had to relocate a block away to get good shot on him.

Good coop_retrieveV2 is simply a fix and a addition of an RPG7 to give player the choice how to destroy the tanks,I'm glad you finaly found the last guy on coop_snipers :)...,this weekend I've made a coop map with 'laggoon' same formula as coop_snipers except a lot less snipers but this time you will be teleport 3 times that allow me to put more ennemies on the map (around 260)...the reason of teleport is that you not see the ennemies spawn but this time map will be cleared before and you gonna have a few second to react...4 different spawn for the ghost team...want also say that you may search the ennemies to end objectives but you may have some killing fun and appreceate the beauty of the map with 3 different sky...still no vehicules...

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Rpghard, you are one of the most prolific modders for GRAW2 and the mass majority of people who download your mod from this site know that you have put a tonne of effort into them, inspite of the difficulties that the game puts in your way.

The frustration is understandable, but you're doing an awesome job, there is no doubt about that, kuds to you for your stamina and determination in bringing us so many hours of additional content. :thumbsup:

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Well we ALL appreciate the very hard and very good work you have done with this game. It is just amazing.

It is so true that it is the modders that keep games alive in spite of the what crap you have to work with.

Not fixing the rate of fire bug is total BS!! And the last patch was just garbage. Basically worthless. A new machine gun and a shot gun. Woo hoo!! Big deal! They also gave us a new map that crashes. Oh yeah.. a new map where you have to destroy the tank with C-4. What kind of crap is that? Basically makes it impossible to play the map by yourself. Why is it so hard to add RPG's? If you don't want to us them, great! But it should be an option.

But I am very discouraged to see how discouraged YOU are because its the awesome modders like YOU that make this game worthwhile. It's the modders like YOU that really keep the spirit of "Ghost Recon" alive.

Thank you very much for all you have done.


I did put an RPG in coop_retrieve and I also fixed GRIN script best I could but it's still crashing...You see what is disapoint me the most is that I have more issues than ever and it's cause of the last patch...sry mate sometimes I get very mad about it and it make me said bad thing about the game and there concepter...I'm not an easy quiter but sometimes I NEED TO SCREAM LOUD :)...

Try this for me:


I've tried 'coop_retrieveV2' for the first tonight on "Fubar tactical" server great server btw (sry guys if I cannot answer you cause chat in game never work for me) ...and I was glad to make this mission to the end for the first time without crashing...even the sky changes is working perfect...I chose to destroy all tanks with RPG7 ;)...get my other great map :


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