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Map cycle ideas

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I am looking for ways to improve the online server (death2nobodee)

So if you haveany suggestions for map cycles and weapons setting let me know and I shall incorporate them into a cycle.

Ideally I am hoping to have the server rebooting daily with a differentcycle of maps per day. This is not built into the game but I have coded an application to do this, so I am looking for cycles of 4-8 maps.

As anexample: island2, godzilla, defcon3, etc you get the idea.

One of the main problems with a map cycle is that one map is great onnormal difficulty level (as it may be a long map with many enemies) butanother needs to be on "hard" or "hardcore" setting to make it a challenge. So I am hoping to get together 3-4 map cycles:

My ideas so far are one on hardcore for small maps that you need to taketime on but can finish in 30 minutes, like engpass. Another on normal level with GL's activated for long maps like Pavilion Sure you get the idea so if you want a better map cycle give some input andlet me know your ideas..

Thanks, Deathbringer200. Get back to me on here or via the web site www.death2nobodee.co.uk

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